*~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! profile picture

*~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

found this plain layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments ..
MyHotComments I guess u could say im am a very outgoing person!!! I love to party and meet new people... I am a go getter anything I see that I want I go and get it.. I am a Retail Manager and I love my job!!! It takes up allot of my time but its paying off.. My past was a rough one I have been through allot in my life and my heart has basically turned to stone and I don’t trust many people. I've been to hell and back.. I have split shit-tripped and embarrassed myself. I cant just flutter my eye's and get the boy I want. My life is messed up, I’ve been through more shit than you will ever see on T.V. nobody’s perfect. I've been lied to, cheated on and had my heart stolen. I've been beat up. I've beat up people, but every hit was worth it because I felt it. I knew it was real. Life is real and imp living it wrong everyday. I'm messing up royally and doing everything opposite. Do I regret one thing ? Never.... Because at one point what I did was what I wanted to do and that was my satisfaction and my life was mine and now I am at a point in my life that I am going to change all of that. No man or woman can influence me anymore.ThE HaRdEsT BaTtLe YoU'LL EvEr HaVe To FiGhT Is ThE BaTtLe AgAiNsT YoUrSeLf !!!!!!! BiTcH NeEdS To GeT SlApPeD JuSt As HaRd As He AcTs!!!!!! I am the real deal and I would love to see them try to break me now!!!!! I am at a point in my life that The only one that can save me from all the pain I have inside is me myself and I... I Am TrYiNg To LiVe BuT Im DiEiNg InSiDe!!!!! I will come out of this a better and more grateful person.. Through all the drama and pain I have encountered in my life I believe it has all happened for a reason and I also believe KaRmA'S A BiTcH AnD ShE AlWaYz GeTz Ya!!!!
MyHotComments Last but not least if you look into my eyes closely you will see that this girl alwayz finds her way... I will continue to make the steps to change my life and I will be successful!!!
MyHotComments Their's a point in your life when you get tired of chasing everyone & trying too fix everything But it's not giving up... It's realizing that you don't need Certain people, and the bullshit and the drama that they bring!!!!
MyHotComments Im A LeO- ThE CoOl OnE!!!! Nice to everyone I meet. My Love is one of a kind. Silly, Fun and sexy. I Have my own unique appeal. I am The Most caring AnD LoYaL person you'll ever meet! However not the kind of person you wanna F.u.C.k with... U might end up crying....

My Interests

ThIs Is HoW Me & My GiRlZ GeT DoWn!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Everybody!!! We All Have A Meaning Here... Rich, Poor Even Stupid. If we Never Met We Would not learn What We Should or Should do and not do!!!!! So if I sound like the kind of person you would like as a friend Hit me up with a friend request…
MyHotComments KeEp TeStIn My BiTCh!!!! What was that saying ??? I bet you cant walk a mile in my shoe’s … I cant walk a mile in any ones shoes yet again try to walk a mile in my own . I go day by day and fill these shoes the hurt and the strain while walking in my shoes you will see lots of things with walking in my shoes you better be careful . I have come to realize everyone has issues and the day you say I dare you I will probably smack you with these shoes. Because my life is different and I bet your‘s is to, but the day that you test me I will have no remorse for you. I say this with anger and fight in my smile don’t turn your back, I just may make your walk harder. So can we really say can you walk a mile in my shoes . I guess I would say you wouldn’t want to touch my shoes they have been here and their and have had it real rough I wear my timberlands with miles of scuffs . So if you would like to try them im warning you now , the pain and trouble will encounter will tumble you down . I warn you to be strong and watch your back because one you put them on im not taking them back!!!! I hope yours are filled with less hurt and pain but I guess we will never no until we trade shoes some day… Don’t ever judge a book by its cover and think you know best because all I want is for my shoes to take a rest …


HiP HoP,ReGgAtOn,TrAnCe,R&b...


I LoVe A GoOd AcTiOn MoViE, The Departed, Shooter, Lord of War, The Davinci Code, Harlem Nights, 8 mile, The Devil wears Prada... I love Comedy... All MoViEs ArE KoOl WiTh Me.... As long as Im Chillin with FrIeNdS...


I NeVeR ReAlLy WaTcH It BuT If I HaVe To ChOoSe It WoUlD Be ThE ReAl WoRlD AnD AnYtHiNg FuNnY Oh WaIt I lOVe ThE SiMsOnS AnD ThE FaMiLy Guy LmAo, AnD laSt AnD My FaV... DeSpRaTe HoUsEwIvEs!!!!!


I say this everyday!!! God Grant me The Serenity to Accept the Thing's I Can Not Change, The Courage to Change the Thing's I Can, and , The Wisdom to Know the Diffrence...ThE HoLy BiBlE ThE NeW TeSTaMeNt...
MyHotComments ShE'S CoMe UnDoNe AnD ThE ColDeSt WiNtEr EvEr!!! I cant think of any more..


My FaMiLy AnD A FeW FrIeNdS... ThEy WeRe HeRe FoR Me WhEn TiMeS WeRe ReaL Bad AnD ArE StiLL HeRe NoW ThaT TiMeS Are GooD

My Blog

KeEp TeStIn Me BiTCh!!!!

i DaRe YoU!!!! KeEp TeStIn Me BiTCh!!!! What was that saying ??? I bet you cant walk a mile in my shoe's & I cant walk a mile in any ones shoes, yet try to walk a mile in my own . I go day by day and ...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:26:00 PST

ThE PaSt $ YeArS

The past 4 years have been the worst for me. I have been through a lot and learned that life doesn't come easy. It all started when I was 20 I bought my first home and was living my dream.. I had...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:39:00 PST

My ChILd HooD

Ever since I was a little girl I have had it rough. I was 6 years old when my father took me to his friends house and on that hot day of June 25th 1988 I was playing outside and he was working on his ...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:09:00 PST

My LeTTeR!!!

Once upon a time I was just mad and had the day come along that I was just so sad . I sit in this park filled with hate and remorse. To the ones who were here and the one's the went overboard . I say...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 07:51:00 PST

HeAd AbOvE WaTeR!!!!

Personal growth is a journey taken one step at a time. I always believed that my journey was defiantly a hard one from the time I was 6 and up until now. I think that life is just lot's of up's and d...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST


Friend's for life&What is life is it just a day a week or just the years we make of it? I sometimes sit and wonder if its real or all just a dream.. The things I have seen and been through are so surr...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 05:14:00 PST


*Live everyday as if it was your last.. Because tomorrow is not promised to you...*Karma is something to believe in. Remember the last time that you cheated?Then the one that you fell in lov...
Posted by *~ErIcA~aKa~MiZz LaDy EmOtIoNz~* SpEaKs Da TrUtH!! on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:43:00 PST