About Me
I can paint you a picture of who I am, but really, unless you can read my thoughts and follow me around 24-7 with a video camera you will only see a preliminary sketch of who I am. This could be the most important thing you ever read. Before I go any further let me just say that my motive for writing this is love. I love God and people. I am not some whack holier than thou pal, better than you type. If I truly believe what I believe I'm gonna tell you the truth even though I probably lose favor with you. Yahweh, God, The Creator, is the only one that has seen and heard everybody’s thoughts, words, and deeds from day one. Ten out of ten, we all die, some sooner than others (we could die tomorrow). Are you strong? Can you subdue a bear robbed of her cubs? Do you think your the bomb? We will all stand in front of a Holy God, and His majesty will make us melt like chocolate in front of a blast furnace. No one will be giving Him the finger, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. God is love. He loves you, He loves holiness, righteousness, and justice. Because God is love He must hate. If you love children you will hate abortion, if you love jews you will have hated the holocaust. Sin arouses such a disgust in God that he cursed this earth, cursed man for bein disobedient, sinning just one time. Adam and eve ate a piece of fruit and look what happened to us. Would you drink a glass of water if it had just one drop of ink in it? One percent pure, 99 manuer and I ain drinkin' it! How many times do you have to cheat on your wife/husband to be considered unfaithful? Sin is an abomination to God and He will not put up with any of it. How can a just and Holy God not punish sin? He can't. If someone cold murdered your family and you found the dude, beat the crap out of him, dragged him into the court room for justice but the judge says, “I’m a nice guy, a loving guy, so I’m gonna let him goâ€. You would scream with intense disgust, demanding justice. Shute…that judge would be just as vile as the person that cold murked your family. God is a good and will serve justice. Every thought, word, and deed will be brought into account. You might think you’re not that bad of a person but in front of the holiness of Jesus Christ in all His glory, your sins that seemed like a tic tac will be like a pile of dung the size of a whale. Whether you’re the homeless feeding, tree hugging, save the orphan’s activist or the pregnant crack smokin, cold killin' thug, you’re guilty just the same. In fact prior to regeneration, for 23 years of my life, all my good deeds were considered sin in God’s eyes. By His standards, anything that is not done for His glory is considered sin. Because of His holiness His standard is infinitely higher than ours. Even if we hate someone in our heart it’s considered murder, our lust, though it may be in heart only is considered adultery. Still think you’re a good person? Let’s take your thought life, just you’re thought life and broadcast it on the airwaves. How would you feel about that? My friend there are things we have thought of that are so vile that we wouldn’t even tell our closest friends. That’s just your thought life, your words and deeds will be judged too. We have offended the majesty of a Holy and righteous God and justice must be paid. God’s holy hatred for sin is so intense that it pleased God to crush His Son Jesus on the cross. Think about that for a moment. I’m finite, I can’t even comprehend killing my son in the most gruesome death possible and havin it please me cause I hate sin so much. Our finite brains can’t even comprehend the holiness and righteousness of God. Still think you’re a good person? Who’s standard? Are you still gonna put your trust in your religion or your self righteousness? If so you can’t be saved, at least not now. Do you see yourself in a crisis? Do you feel in your heart a godly sorrow? Do you see your need for a Savior? If so you’re ready to hear the Gospel. The good news is this: God came down as man (Jesus Christ) and lived a sinless life, The perfect, holy, sinless Son took your punishment for your sins and died the most gruesome death known to mankind, satisfying the holy wrath, the holy justice of Almighty God. God justified a people and vindicated His Son when He raised His son from the dead and ascended up into glory on the third day. The cross was the only way that God could still be absolute justice and absolute mercy at the same token. How can one man be the atonement for the sins of humanity? If you took the weight, the worth, of everyone and put them on scale with Jesus on the other side, Jesus would fling the worth of everyone out the game. One is redeemed by the precious blood of God’s only Son, not Jesus plus….. On the cross, before His death, Jesus cried “It is finishedâ€! His sinless, perfect blood, is enough; washing away all sins, past, present and future. The only sin that Jesus will not forgive is rejecting Him. If your heart is crying “ Oh wretched man that I am, what must I do to be savedâ€, you do well. God has granted you ears to hear and sight to see who you really are apart from His grace and what you deserve . Repent. Turn away from your sins, put your trust in Jesus Christ. Give up your pride, your self righteousness, give up all hope of trying to save yourself through your good works and put all your trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ demonstrated on the Cross. Cry out to God like the jaws of hell were about to snatch you up. Cry out to God until He supernaturally changes your heart. Cry out till He removes that heart of stone and gives you a heart of flesh. Jesus said you MUST BE BORN AGAIN to enter heaven. Cry out to God till your heart hates sin, till your heart loves other Christians, till your heart has a passion for God. Salvation is a supernatural work of God through the power of His Holy Spirit! If you have been regenerated I don’t even have to tell you what to do next. God will have changed your heart so radically that you will no longer see the Bible as a bunch of do’s and donts. You will have a hunger to read it and obey what you read because you love Him. Worship music will no longer seem like sissy music, you will want to go to church and love Christians and share the Gospel with non believers. You will have a passion for God that burns hot. If this is you, God sought you, gave you eyes to see, and saved you. Never forget who you are apart from the grace of God and what you deserve. The cross is all the motivation you will ever need. Jesus is not only all that you will ever need, He is all that you have. I’m prayin' for you.Hebrews 9:26-28 - Ecclesiastes 3:14, 15 - James 4:6 – Isaiah 64:1-3 – Philippians 2: 10-12 – 1 John 4:15-17 – Exodus 15:10-12 - Psalm 11:6-7
Job 34 – 11-13 – Ezekiel 18: 23-25 – Genesis 3:16-18 – Exodus 20:18-19
James 2:10 - Romans 7:12-14 – 1 Corinthians 10:31 – Ephesians 2:1-6 –
Romans 8:6-8 – Romans 1:16-32 – Romans 2:1-16 – Romans Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8 – Isaiah Chapter 53 – Job 37:4-6 - 2 Corinthians 7: 9-11
1 Peter 1:17-19 – John 19:30 – Ephesians 2:8, 9– Luke 13:2-4 – John Chapter 3 – Ezekiel 36:-29