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I am here for Friends

About Me

JESUS! He's not only my Savior and the centerpiece of my life...he's literally my best friend. I LOVE GOD. I LOVE LOVE. I LOVE ART. There's much to say "About Me" but I can't stop talking About Him! Jesus Christ is so amazing! :) My whole life, God was like the dad I never knew...a distant was until i met Him, encountered Him, discovered perspective of my distant dad changed..My life's convictions revolve around an everlasting, unconditional, undeniable truth. It's all about my relationship with Jesus..everyday is a new day...a fresh start! THIS IS ME!!!

My Interests

My interests vary..i love meeting people (random people, practical people, funny people, artistic people, anointed people, basically anyone who has a pulse!).. i love making memories with friends... i love hearing stories, i love DREAMING (and SLEEPING for that matter :D), girls interest me, single, cute Christian girls interest me more! (modest is hottest!) lol i love my school, my friends, and of course, my family... God interests me more than anything else...the fact that someone so HOLY and PURE can love someone who is completely opposite enthralls me...

I'd like to meet:

meredith grey ( new obsession) and the future mrs. del corral. i'd also love to meet: tim burton, the apostle paul, walt disney, martin luther king jr., michael jackson (pre child molestation days...pre weird white man days), and anyone else who i'd consider to be a genius in their own right. frank's definition of a genius: someone who altered their surroundings by either creativity, or pure strong motives. I'd like to meet: THE BREAKFAST CLUB!!


anything that pulls me into the presence of God is my favorite know that feeling you get when the person you love walks into the room? i love worship music like that. this includes: CFNI, Jesus Culture, Elizabeth Clark, Rita Springer, Jason Upton, and Misty Edwards... also, i love music that makes me happy and want to shake my tail! haha! if you've driven in a car with me, you know what i'm talking about! :) i love songs with clean lyrics, and usually with stories behind them.. i'm a huge country bumpkin.. so the banjo and sappy country songs make me smile BIG!!


basically anything from Tim Burton, Man on Fire, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Bridge to Teribithia, STARDUST, The Prestige, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (in the HOOD! ha ha), The Phantom of the Opera, Forrest Gump, Batman Returns, Moulin Rouge, The Gladiator, The Terminal, Home Alone, Bourne Identity, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz


SAGU TV consists of TLC and ABC.. so Grey's Anatomy, the Office, and Dirty Jobs. i miss old school nickelodeon..


I need to get back in the habit of reading..Blue Like Jazz, and Wild at Heart have changed me.. The Bible changes me everytime i place my eyes on it.


my Jesus, my dad, my pastor

My Blog

you are mine forever love

so consumed in their thoughts and their secrets...i neglect to seclude myself and be woven into yours... how foolish! Forgetting what I was created for and living for other people's business..Wha...
Posted by FRANK on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:46:00 PST

my manifesto (part one)

i sit here and cant help but wonder what it is I'm striving for.  Who am I choosing to impress?  Where am I going to end up ten years from now?  Who will I be with?  Usually its m...
Posted by FRANK on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST


To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, NOTHING is pure.  In fact, both their minds, and consciences are corrupted.  They claim to know God, but ...
Posted by FRANK on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:12:00 PST

slightly breaking, constantly learning

a penny for your thoughts... My thought process is so obscure.  So often I find myself on the brink of breaking before I learn my lesson. As a guy, as a human being, I bottle up my emotions insid...
Posted by FRANK on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:10:00 PST


i want to change the world...simply put. but i have come to the realization that before anything happens...there needs to be a major change...inside of myself (GASP!!) we can all crave to be deep..but...
Posted by FRANK on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:03:00 PST

letting go of you is not what i had in mind

i never thought this day would say goodbye isn't what any of us wanted to do. i would give anything and everything to hear your voice on the phone again...or perhaps to see you face to face....
Posted by FRANK on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:32:00 PST

and so it is..

its strange how if you try to cover things up by keeping emotions and thoughts inside your mind how it can entrap you... i guess i've been keeping things in ever since i could remember.. not telling p...
Posted by FRANK on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 12:11:00 PST

Because of Who You Are

Let's be realistic(shall we?) Living a life of direction isn't easy.....There's sooo many times where we all want to throw in the towel and say..."You've taken me this far, but I think we've gone far...
Posted by FRANK on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 11:41:00 PST

Myspace pervs.. When will it end?

Its kinda hard trying to live a morally healthy life (righteous if you will) and be on myspace.  There are seriously too many wierdos out there.  I love the fact of keeping in touch with peo...
Posted by FRANK on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:45:00 PST