I had my **)(**BaBy gIrL**)(** AND )(**BaByBoY**)(** they are beautiful and I dont regret growing up and living a **NeW** kind of lyfe for them at all;) **)(they aren't my interest- they're my oBsEsSiOn**)(**
I'm open to all kinds of people- fun and outgoing jus like me;) If your sweet and understanding but still got a wild side- hit me up!!
Myspace Codes
Myspace Codes
I am a hugely obsessive fan of dashboard confessional, they rock. But i love all kinds of music- rap, regaae, alternative. asfunction:playTune,0
a href="http://www.explosm.net/comics/720/"
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Myspace Codes
My heroes are the people who were there when no one else was, the people who stood by me, helped me through some of the hardest times and to them I owe an immense amount of gratitude for helping make and shape the woman I am today.Thanks guys. EPKLSKEMCMKSBP