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About Me

I guess I'm supposed to say something wonderful or catchy about myself here. Can I get back to you on that?The basics: I came from the bustling metropolis of Robertsdale, Alabama, a tiny little town near the gulf coast. I spent the first seven of my post high school years working on computers for a living as a network administrator, until I got burned out on the idea of spending 12 hours a day in a cubicle. So, after several different versions of the same boring job and a long string of failed relationships, I decided to do something different with my life. I joined the Army, got the hell out of Alabama and spent five years as a journalist. Great job. I got to use my press credentials to do pretty much anything I could dream up. I got to do everything from driving a tank to taking the band Tonic out for dinner. It was a lot of fun, and a great ride, but I've done my time and I'm glad it's over now. I met my wife, Sara, while I was stationed at Fort Jackson, and decided to settle down here in Columbia, South Carolina. She really helped ground me and made me realize an entirely new set of priorities. I made a lot of friends in the military that are still the closest friends I have. I wouldn't trade those friendships for anything. I got out of the Army in August of 2005 (I can't believe I'm now considered a disabled veteran) and did a brief stint as the service manager for the local Porsche dealership. The pay sucked and the boss was an idiot, but I did get to play with $150K cars. Those who know me well, know of my long standing love for German cars, especially Porsches. I really hated the job. Recently, I went back to work for the Department of the Army as a civilian. I spent the last few months I was in the Army working for Range Control at Fort Jackson. I went right back to work at the same job, just making twice as much money and not having to put up with the Army's BS any more. I also get to go to work in jeans and a t-shirt now instead of a uniform. I spend most of my time at work in the woods, which is another great pastime of mine anyway. Overall, life couldn't be better. I still take a lot of photos in my spare time (I own around $10K in camera gear from being a journalist, I have to use it for something now)I still head for the mountains with a backpack to go camping whenever I can, and I still love driving any one of my cars alone on a twisty road at a breakneck pace. So, I guess I'm pretty much the same person I've always been, just older and wiser. I have few regrets in my life. The good times gave me some great memories to look back on, and the bad times helped mold me into who I am. To my friends - Thank you! To my enemies - Screw you! To Sara - I love you! To everyone else - Who the hell are you?!BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.1;;111111; 5%20GTG/PICT0190.jpg; Center Center; fixed; no-repeat; ffffff; ; bold; ; ; ; ; ffcc00; ; bold; ; ; ; ; 996600; ; bold; ; ; ; ; cccccc; ; bold; ; ; ; ; ;

My Interests

Volkswagens, VW Vortex - If you have to ask..., Backpacking/Hiking, Photography, Drawing, Gadgets, old Porsches, Fast boats, history, racing (unless NASCAR is involved), and whatever else I happen to be interested in ths week.

I'd like to meet:

The guy who laid out the intersection of I-26 and I-20 in Columbia, just so I can punch him in the nose. (I have to drive through there everyday to get to work.)


Guns N' Roses, Rush, Journey, Mötley Crüe, Queensryche, Joe Satriani, The Allman Brothers, Brother Cane, Ted Nugent, AC/DC, Skid Row, Primus, Bullet Boys, The Cult, Tuff, Jackyl, Drivin N Cryin, Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, Van Halen, Steve Vai, Eric Johnson, Black Label Society, Metallica, Poison, Megadeth, Vixen, Soundgarden, Velvet Revolver, Alice In Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, L.A. Guns, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Slaughter, Jane's Addiction, Def Leppard, Twisted Sister, Warrant, Dio, Dokken, Ratt, Great White, Whitesnake, David Lee Roth, White Lion, Britney Fox, Lynch Mob, Cinderella, Quiet Riot, Firehouse, Queen, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Damn Yankees, Suicidal Tendencies, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple, Nirvana, The Black Crowes, Spin Doctors, Blues Traveler, Puddle of Mud, Buckcherry, Yngwie Malmsteen, Mr. Big, Extreme, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Creed, Lynard Skynard, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Sammy Hagar, Every Mothers Nightmare, Tom Petty, Temple of the Dog, Black Label Society


Pretty much anything. Everybody knows I'm a movie buff.


Mythbusters, Overhaulin', Top Gear, Lost, Rescue Me, Smallville, Nip/Tuck, Junkin', Dirty Jobs,


If it's Stephen King, I've probably read it. Dean Koontz is good too. Other than that, I spend too much time online to read.


My parents, for all the years they put up with me and kept me out of trouble. After 35 years of marriage, they are still truly in love with each other. In this day and age, I can't help but admire them for that.

My Blog

How the minimum wage increase is making YOU poorer... Thanks Hillary.

So, the Democratic party is now in control of Congress and has decided to "help" all the poor working stiffs who make minimum wage by giving them a nearly 40% raise.  The scary par...
Posted by Chad on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:57:00 PST

My last ten years.

My 31st birthday really got me thinking about everything I've done since way back when I turned 21.For starters, I've done a good bit of moving around.  I turned 21 in Houston, TX and moved back ...
Posted by Chad on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 04:33:00 PST

Sad day for photography

Minolta cameras as of March 2006 will cease to exist.  There have already been announcements that major camera manufacturers like Nikon will cease production of film cameras in favor of digital c...
Posted by Chad on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 10:21:00 PST

Gas prices and why we're getting screwed

Okay, it's no big secret that gas prices have skyrocketed in the last year, but there are a lot of facts that oil companies and the media don't want you to know. Oil companies blame the increase on th...
Posted by Chad on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:40:00 PST