David profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a 23yr old aspiring artist. I have taken 7yrs of vocal lessons! 2 of those years were dedicated to Broadway show tunes and theatre music, 2 more years were dedicated to strict Opera Training, and then 3 years to Jazz. My heart and soul lie in R&B/Soul! I love love love music and sounds of the 70's! I am very Spiritual! I do beleive in spirirts and premonitions and having a sixth sense. I am happily engaged and loving life, accepting all its ups and downs. I am an animal Lover! I love four legged creatures of all sorts, but I love my Dogs! You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Send me a VoiceComment. It's FREE! Just call 1(641)985-7878 and enter *3969390. If you get one too, I'll reply. http://www.snapvine.comMelonie Daniels SANGIN for NO Apparent Reason!


Soul Music! From Late 60's - mid eighties! Ya Cant GO Wrong! but anyone who feels there music like the artist below...LEDISI! http://www.myspace.com/davidasosa


Sister Act, The Color Purple,The Rose,Be Cool, Run Down, Walking Tall, Five Heartbeats, Sparkle, Glitter, Wise Girls, Claras Heart...To be continued! Basically anything with Singing or Humor in it!


I watch to many shows to name em all!


Anything with Wizards and Warriors or suspenceful sci Fi!


Jesus, My Dad, and Martin Luther King!

My Blog


Hey CANT NoBODY Tell ME SIngin aint hard! I mean People think you just open your mouth and let sounds come out and thats it! Some truly forget to realize it is an ART. A "Singer" inteprets the song! T...
Posted by David on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 06:51:00 PST