There is a lot "about me" that you can find out by just asking. But to give you a general idea of the things that rule me, I made the list below. I started compiling it a year ago as experiences and people began shaping what it was that I valued the most. So here is my list. Enjoy...
I believe that things are not always the way they seem they should be.
I believe that there is no such thing as loss, only change.
I believe that having heroes is pointless without striving to be like them.
I believe that there are lessons to be found within shame, but only self-defeat to be found within regret.
I believe that the words "I Love You" are not nearly as powerful as when they are accompanied by the actions that demonstrate that statement.
I believe that maturity comes not from age, but from experience.
I believe that there is a dangerously thin line between letting go and giving up, on either side of which one will find drastically different outcomes.
I believe that a person can never expect another person to understand them unless they both share the same perspective on whatever issue may be in question.
I believe that walking the fence can sometimes give you a better view of what's on either side, but that you can't stay up there forever.
I believe that when it comes to doing what you want, you should never wait for "things to settle down" because I also believe that things never "settle down".
I believe that whether you're speaking geologically or emotionally, force and pressure will, more often than not, only make preexisting instabilities worse.
I believe that clarity within a situation can sometimes be more surreal than the lack thereof.
I believe that everyone makes mistakes, but also that the amount of people who take responsibility and make reparations for those mistakes is in drastic shortage.
I believe that if you are not willing to stand by your convictions then you aren't actually convicted at all.
I believe that forgiving someone of their offenses against you is divine. I believe that forgetting the offenses is foolish.
I believe that in affairs of the heart, you should follow your heart.
I believe that you should never tell someone you love them unless you mean it.
I believe that a person’s friends and lovers should not be added stresses in life. If anyone considers you such, they aren’t worth your time. If you consider anyone such, reconsider their place in your life.
I believe that if you find a person or situation that makes you happy, you should jump in feet first and not think twice.
I believe that the opposite of love is not hate: it's indifference.
I believe that a moderate and balanced viewpoint on any subject is the prize of those with the ability to look beyond simplistic extremes.
I believe that any man who would sacrifice his liberty in exchange for security deserves neither.
I believe that if you are unhappy with the status of a situation, it is your responsibility to either work to change it, accept it, or leave.
I believe that the greatest obstacle to enlightenment is meaningless ritual.
I believe that hindsight should be used to improve foresight.
I believe that things will only impress you until you figure out you can do them.
I believe that my generation has an amazing desire for spiritual fulfillment and at the same time a decided reluctance to put a name on what exactly it’s looking for.
I believe that comfort zones are meant to be disrupted, personal walls made to be torn down, and fears to be confronted head on.
I believe that relationships are launched by what you like and are later defined by what you are like.
I believe that a relationship founded upon cheating and lies will continue to be defined by cheating and lies.
I believe that all women are crazy and all men are assholes and that each gender experiences different degrees of those traits from person to person.
I believe that people who speak out against forcing beliefs on others are often the most forceful culprits of that crime themselves.
I believe that there is absolutely no necessity in the entire world for one person to be intentionally mean to another.
I believe that every individual should strive to think beyond their Monkeysphere .
I believe that regardless of what you believe, sometimes it is difficult to live by that. This does not negate the belief that the effort to do so should be constant.
I believe that everyone has their own beliefs. What are yours?