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My Interests


Anything except "Tear in my Beer" Type country music. I also LOVE GREG PETROSINO and his CD "Close Quarters"! It rules. Get in touch through sending a electronic letter with cquertz as the first part of his address and the last as A as in apple O as in ollie L as in last for info on it. I am the head of his Official fan club. You can sign up by emailing me or iming me on here.


Not big on movies, although I hear "Team America- World Police" was funny.


CSI- American Justice- Forensic Files- Judge Judy (Sense a pattern here...)


True Crime- Cheecky Romance Novels- Docu Drama's and Historical Thrillers


Senator McCain- That baby Jessica that fell into a well- My Mom- Christopher Reeve- Anyone that has overcome addiction and gained long term sobriety- and Students of mine that work really hard even though they just aren't that smart. Those are my heros.