Who Me?!?! profile picture

Who Me?!?!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Where do you start? 34 years of life experiences that make up who I am now but I guess I can start with the most constant things about me. I am first and foremost a true friend to any willing to accept it. I don't judge people, I accept them for who they are now. I am a bit shy at first but give it a little time and you'll find I open up as if we were old friends. Ask me anything and while I might beat around the bush on some questions, you'll find an honest answer. I pride myself on being honest and respect others for being honest with me, even when it's not something I may want to hear or you think it may hurt me.I grew up in and around the Portland metro area. I love the NW and tell my friends this is the place I plan on dying ( not too morbid I hope ). Growing up I spent most of my summers with my grandparents, camping and motorcyle riding with my grandpa. A lot of my family values and good nature come from spending so much time with them. I have a love for the outdoors, unfortunately I don't spend as much time as I would like outside. I enjoy going to the beach, motorcyle riding in the hills and have a passion for downhill skiing ( something I don't indulge in as much as I would like to ).I suppose I should acknowlege my geek side. I built my computer specifically for games and online gaming. I have played MMO's for many years and my current addiction is World of Warcrack. I play on the crushridge server and if anyone else plays, can most likely find me on my characters: Gadana - lvl 70 nightelf priest or alts palatank / taz / flint.Layout made by

My Blog


As you may know, or have guessed, I have been in a relationship with Steffy for some time now.  I can't express enough how wonderfull she is and how she is the one that makes me feel complete.&nb...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 23:15:00 GMT

Calming Down

Well....as you can tell, I have got my internet back and the shakes have gone away.  Been a rough couple weeks with a lot happening.   Fridge going out, got a washer that needed to be ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:02:00 GMT

Moving soon

I hate moving....on the other hand, I will be moving into a very small 2 bedroom house which means I must get rid of more stuff I don't need ( that will make it nice for the next move) and I won't hav...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:47:00 GMT