Kenn profile picture


Hi, I'm Kenny!

About Me

I'm self-"sufficient" a 29 year old that lives in a upper little Egg Park home that keeps it casual when it comes to fashion.. I'm "a translucent light that shines like a crystal thats funny,competive,tired because i work alot of hours at my workRemember me? Hi guys, I'm back (again) I honestly didn't think it would take this long to get back - but such is life. life has alot of turns when it come at you fast like a fastballThis is just a quick post to let you know I'm still here. I've now got a full time job at a medical center ,and attending medical school in the fall for my R.N./C.P.T then ,moving up in the profession world with opportunites future trends in internal medicine ....i went to local firework display and bonfire. It was amazing! Finally getting on with life and loving it. Been able to do so many things and new opportunites re arising every day. I thought If i didn't take this time to write this post now, I'd never do it. But i have - and hopefully I'll get back on blogging track soonish!Hope you are all well.Lots of love D.R. LOVE KENN "~ WHO IS HE ??~" He is a microscope that uses two lenses to mignify an image. fAMOUS!!! and always down to meet new people.!! I'm the new guy from the old school bringing it to the new school..
I'm an awesome friend so if your down with that and like what i said drop a line!!!
Car MySpace Layouts - Mercedes MySpace Layouts Car MySpace Layouts Blogs - WOW! The Verizon FiOS Commercial - Kenn MySpace Blog

Verizon Fios "WoW" Commercial
Ferris Bueller's Day Off


This certificate has been awarded to me Awarded by our perfect world

My Interests

Weather " why dont you go out it's nice out" I like the HD experience.. traveling, shoping , the board walk the beach reading,grammar ,history, and civil rights, "digging in to God's word and pulling it apart" , bible studies ,the Red carpet dancing ,being back stage..... the basketball and football games..... hanging out with Frann in Toms River. working on cars ,and talking on my cell "with new york " showing up at your party..going into Nyc, I'm working at the making money plan: standing on stage at the public rally... ,hanging out with pretty women All the time ... " i dont want to remember the first time i want to be forgotten"

you don't know me?? "you don't know me like that'!!!! .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

I'd like to meet:

Oprah winfery ,so i can jump on her coutch ,but "Im super excited just to be here and see everyone,"says kenn".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


big hoodie to big jeans music "keep it bumping... club, D.J mixes music ...rap , Christian dance music ,and anything that is collective...


suspense ones drama,action, comedy........... "My favorite one "Stomp the yard 8 mile , Shallow hal, "the last kiss with rachel bilson ,Zac Braff "cruel intentions" with Sarah Michelle Gellar ,and Resse witherspoon..


House M.D. David letterman,Bones T.M.Z...Nancy grace!!! Pastor MelissaScott on the ion/pax ch Preached at the los Angeles University Cathedral.....awesome


I like to read i like words, I love God's word. "" A good one 'Azusa street REVIVAL by Frank Bartleman The purpose driven life by Rick Warren " ,and the webster dictionary... W.E.vines of Old & NewTestament words. tru - crimes ones & weekly intouch mags...!.


God my moma ,and friends,and family ,fans that love me!! those who love no matter what.....they came through with that unconditional love