Ms.Marie;2 Fly 2 be Depressed! profile picture

Ms.Marie;2 Fly 2 be Depressed!

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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Eltoya Marie
Birthday:: Dec 4
Birthplace:: Jacksonville...Baptist hospital
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: black...whatevver i
Height:: 5'51/2
Weight:: 130sumthing....JSO
Right handed or Left handed?: Right handed
Your Heritage:: African American
My Worst Habit:: Sleeping....Trying to do too much!
Zodiac Sign:: Sagg
Shoe Size:: 8.5
Pants Size:: 7
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: No mam
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Flip day
Your Weakness:: Friends...
Your Fears:: Not being successful...a never!LOL
Your Perfect Pizza:: What???so random
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: So many....Get ME 2gether
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LOL...The madness...A mess...Don't do me
Thoughts First Waking Up:: God Please bless this Day!!!!
Your Best Physical Feature:: Smile..I think neway
Your Bedtime:: Anytime
Your Most Missed Memory:: But the one I love having to missed...hmm
Favorite color?: RED....of course
Food?: Pasta....
Sport?: None really...
Animal?: None
Ice Cream?: All
Candy?: Chocolate
Store?: Walmart....Body Central...Demo...Aeropastle..etc
Salad Dressing?: French
Actor?: Morris Chestnut..Omar Epps..Meagan Good...Halle, Gabrielle U.
Song?: Right Now...I am not Lockdown and Did U wrong
Letter?: E...of course
Number?: 4....
Gum?: Icebreakers, Trident...i guess
Holiday?: X-mas and Thanksgiving!!!!Hands Down....
Season?: Winter
Toothpaste Flavor?: Vanilla
Radio Station?: 93.3
Perfume?: i a lil boy when it comes to stuff like this
Scent besides perfume?: Warm vanilla sugar, Vanilla raspberry
Body part on the opposite sex?: Chest...i guess
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Im grown....Nurse Practitioner what I'm striving to be
How Do You Want To Die?: In my Sleep
Turn ons:: Togetherness
Turn offs:: Flaunting and aggravation
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: none really, but all sometimes
Who's The Loudest?: Vonda and Tiara me!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Nikki,Kindra,Dani T. & H., Lin,lyndsay All 3 of my Renees,Dante,Lisha, Ti and Bria
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Sherika W,Nikki,Tip, Ketia, Renee, Val,Lisha,Tiarra...
Who's The Shyist?: Ericka and ppl think
When Have You Cried The Most?: The madness.....
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Love and Being Happy!!!!!
Worst Feeling?: failure....dejection...collusion...unmutual effort
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I'm so grown but um Atl, Orlando,Jax maybe?
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: To give up on people quicker;my persistence
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Foreva.. in my mind
Let's walk on the: Beach.
Let's look at the: movie.
What a nice: smile, Toya!
Where did all the: food go.
Why can't we: be friends?lol
Silly, little: rabbit.
Isn't it weird that: ur super slow?
Never under any circumstance: GIVE UP OR IN!
I wish: I could cure the world of everything!AIDS, Hunger,Peace......
Everyone has a: flaw or 2.
I am: the Boss!
Been In Love?: Sure
Been To Juvie?: No Mam
Mooned Someone?: Neva
Been Rejected?: Definition please?
Ran Away From Home?: No mam
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: No. Y would I?
Skipped School?: No
Thought About Suicide?: What???
Slept Outside?: Fell asleep outside..yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: all the time
Cried In School?: yes...a mess
Thrown Up In School?: i think so
Wanted To Be a Model?: Maybe
Cheated On Someone?: Noooo....
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: All the time...
Seen A Dead Body?: Sadly yes...
Been Bitched Out?: What???
Drank Alcohol?: Once
Smoked?: Neva
Been On Drugs?: Prescribed...yes;
Eaten Sushi?: Yes
Been On Stage?: Yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: No
Shoplifted?: No
Been Drunk?: No
Been Called A Tease?: Maybe
Been Beaten Up?: The madness... a never!
Swear?: no
Sing Well?: I try so hard
Shower Daily?: Of course, maybe twice
Want To Go To College?: Been attending 4eva, and will continue
Want To Get Married?: Sure
Believe In Yourself?: Always..Its Me!
Get Motion Sickness?: No
Think You Are Attractive?: R u 4real?
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yes
Like Thunderstorms?: Somewhat...chillmode
Play An Instrument?: Want to...
Own An IPOD?: Nope
Pray?: Always...everyday,allday
Go To Church?: Sometimes...gotta get better
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: About ten in my bed
Keep A Journal/Diary?: No
Dance In The Rain?: Yes
Sing In The Shower?: All the time
Pepsi or Coke?: Neither
McDonald's or Burger King?: Mickey D's
Single or Group Dates?: Doesn't matter, as long as its fun...
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Depends on what....
Strawberries or Blueberries?: SB
Meat or Veggies?: Meat
TV or Movie?: Both, I prefer Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Corn Flakes
Cake or Pie?: Cake, unless its a potato pie
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: i can't hear the BS
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Do The Splits?: Will by the summer
Write With Both Hands?: I can try
Whistle?: not really
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: no
Cross Your Eyes?: maybe
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: maybe
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: a little...i think
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Sometimes...
You Touched:: Tip M.
You Talked To On The Phone:: Camella
You Instant Messaged:: Jimmy
You Hugged:: Toya
You Yelled At:: Greg
You Played A Sport With:: ran the track with Candice
Time You Laughed?: A couple hrs ago
Time You Cried?: 2 days ago when my cuz proposed to his fiance at the airport!I know right
Movie You Watched?: Racing for time
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: don't really chew gum
Joke You Told?: Anything...
Song You've Sung?: Did u wrong or sent frm heaven
Where Are You?: In my room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: A bunch of cars
Are You Listening To Music?: No
What Are You Wearing?: PJ's
What's On Your Mousepad?: Laptop, soo....nuthin
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Sure
Do you believe in miracles?: YESSS!!!!
Magic?: Sure
Love at first sight?: No
God?: How else we making it?
Satan?: The reason we have trials...
Ghosts?: Unsure
Santa?: NO
Evolution?: not really
Fav Eye Color:: DM
Fav Hair Color:: Black
Short or Long Hair:: Dreads..But doesn't matter
Height:: Taller than me
Weight:: Proportional to his height
Best Clothing Style:: Not a mess.....
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Anywhere in South America
Number Of CD's I Own:: 2many
Your Good Luck Charm:: Used to be my cross charm, but its lost
How many pillows do you sleep with?: like 3 or 4 plus stuffed animals
Do you drink milk?: yea
Person You Hate Most:: Not hate, but Loathe...EUGENE; right now at this moment.
Most Outdated Phrase:: Like Totally..haha Candice
Do you think God has a gender?: Yes....i thk
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven or Hell
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Depends on the ringtone
What is something scientists need to invent?: Cars that don't run on gas
Are you a health freak?: Rarely
Are you a virgin?: The madness....
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Mars!The RED planet...Smile
What is the worst weather?: Hurricane Season
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Yea
How many grades have you failed?: None if u not including college..Ha Ha
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GOD!!!!!(I'VE MET ALL I CARE TO MEET,NO ONE ELSE IS CLOSE TO MORE IMPORTANT) Free Myspace Graphics Free Myspace Graphics ?


MONICA ALWAYS....Nivea,Tamia,Soulja boy,yung joc, yolanda adams,fantasia...etc.." 3d3Lm15aG90Y29tbWVudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzLnBocA=="
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Love and Basketball,etc


Girlfriends, The game, 48 hrs, disney/family channel


Riding Dirty on I-95-Nikki Turner,Sheisty...Joel Osteen Meditation...etcIF ONLY WE CAN SEE THROUGH GOD's EYES If only we could see things through God's eyes, this world would be a much better place. We would all love each other with a love that is unfailing and that isn't partial.Living life, I'm learning new lessons each day. I am learning that relationships will not always be the way that we expect them to be. The reason being is that we were not all brought up the same way and therefore, what is acceptable for one person may not be so for the next.I consider myself an analyst, I quietly observe the small things in my life as well as changes and conformities in the lives of others. I sit, with my finite mind and try to figure out why we all choose to do or say certain things or act certain ways and I realize that my mind is too small to understand such things. I have to then ask God in His infinite power and might, show me why Lord because I desire to understand. Some things He reveal to me while others are too vast for my understanding so I just let them be.But if I learned one thing on April 19, 2007, its that I have to diligently seek God in all things and ask Him to allow me to see things through His eyes.You see, I cried today. And I'll admit, at first, it was due to the pain that I have experienced of lost relationships and broken "friendships" But, if you are connected to your source of JOY and PEACE, you can hear the voice of God speak to you and that's exactly what I heard today, it was the voice of God speak and it said to me, "Girl, get up and turn those tears of pain into tears of praise and watch how I began to move in your life."So what did I do? I obeyed the voice of the Lord and I got up and went into my living room, well, I started in my bedroom and ended up in my living room and I just designated the time to have a fellowship with the Lord. I do not know how long this fellowship lasted but I can tell you one thing, when I was finished, the hurt, pain, agony, and discomfort that I was feeling was gone! Literally my heart ached today and it wasn't until I got into the presence of God that all of those ungodly things/feelings were diminished from my life.I just wish that some one can hear my testimony and decide to make a choice that will make an eternal difference in your life today. Let me share the word that I received today...Psalms 23 says that the Lord will prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies...catch this, the Lord is going to prepare a table for His children in the presence of their enemies...realize the plural form of enemy...God is not just going to bless you in front of one of your enemies, but He's gathering all of your have to wait on the Lord so that He can gather all of your enemies ...and then while in the presence of ALL of your enemies, He is going to open the FLOOD GATES of Heaven and just began to bless you left and right, your cup will be running over and you won't even have room to receive the blessings and deliverance that God has for you.. And guess what? Those enemies can't do a thing about it!The choice that you have to make is to just get into and then stay within His presence and praise Him while in the midst of the Gathering and while in the midst of the storm. Ask the Lord to let you see through His eyes so that you will know what He is doing in your life. Some of us don't have a clue of the provisions that God has already made and are still making for His children. Stand on His promises and believe in the things that you have been asking for from God. He's saying to you, "Try me, and see wont I open up the flood gates of Heaven and pour you out a blessing you wont have room to receive.Let that be your prayer today, for God to let you see through His eyes. For if we see through His eyes, friendships would last for a lifetime and wouldn't melt with a little heat. If we could see through God's eyes, these broken relationships would be mended and put back together, being bound together by God's unfailing love....We would have sincerity, genuiness, concern and compassion for one another.So I am thankful today and every day for those people that has caused my heart to hurt and bleed before now. It took these experiences for me to realize first my dependence in God needed to be increased a little more and second, that a Gathering is taking place and there are a few more enemies in which we are awaiting the arrival of so that God can absolutely blow their minds...Much Love,Peace and Blessings Ms.Ericka Dunbar


Jesus Christ All Day!Who else?