I like writing, swimming, pedicures, talking, eating good food (Cheesesteaks, Lasagna,etc.), social drinking, God, listening to music, hot weather, beaches, parties, family time, good sex (only), shoppping, dancing.....this list will never end.....how bout I tell you what I don't like...I don't like judmental people, bad sex, nasty food, soap operas, nasty food, and liars, oh and did I mention Bad Sex
My thoughts......
I have to remain strong,
refusing to lose to fear,
understanding the struggle will end,
the hurt will go away,
pain and sickness will be healed,
but the scars will remain,
the scars give comfort,
reminders of times that strength was obtained...........
I want to meet someone stronger than me, but not colder than me...
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..1. The Mac ..2. Scarface ..3. Casino suspense thiller, action, comedy, and gangsta films.
Reality TV
I really don't have an author I follow, I read random books, I mainly read things that enhance my spritual growth or academic knowledge
A man who can tame me