Johnny profile picture


Johnny Blaze

About Me

This profile was made at www.marksgraphichelp.comFor once in my life ... I'm doing the right thing ...

My Interests

Amazingly I enjoy working. I like to use my hands. I was doing alot of restoration and remodeling. Now I'm building houses. It really doesn't matter whether it's my every day job or doing stuff in the yard. I just like to stay busy. I like to play or watch sports. I enjoy spending time with and talking to my family and friends that are still here. You never know when you might lose those closest to you. Enjoy the time while you have it. STAYING FREE! But.....I'm still me and I still like to go out and have a good time. I guess some things never change. ......I also like all types of sports. I just got to go to my first NASCAR race in Daytona for the 4th of July weekend! I'll definately go to another! Went to the Falcons vs Bucs yesturday...that was cool...plan on going again a few weeks. Also went to the Falcons and Cowboys game on 12-07-06


I like the laid back lyrical rap. The pimp shit. But...this whole rock and metal thing has really grown on me over the last year. Family values tour-- 7-30-06 --Korn-Deftones-Flyleaf-Stone Sour-10 Years- Fuckin rocked!! Saw Crossfade & Buckcherry and Shinedown recently .... Monkey Business in Hilton Head seems to be the new spot ....


A good horror or something to make me laugh. I can get into just about anything. Saw 2 was great!!


Anything that will teach me. As much as I hated school, I love to learn now. I also like to read a good mystery or thriller.

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