The Expansive Quiz: Are you a Child of Light or a Child of Darkness?
You ara child of Darkness. Outhough Nightime births do affect this in a positive way, some Children of Darkness have been known to be born in the daytime. Some children of light think that they are children of darkness and may be confused, such as I am. However, just because your of Darkness doesnt mean you can't worship god or be social. It just means you have a darker sense of the world, and is perhaps more in touch with reality than Society thinks you are. You ara prodegy. Your soul screams for knowledge and praise. You dont take no for an answer. You get what you want. And if you dont, you are sorrowful and introvent. Be wary of your sorroundings, the day may come when you will be needed to defend others of your kind... or others of the opposite kind, if that is your fancy.
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Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeThe Exapansive Quiz: What Degree of Light are you? (Read MEMO!)You are on the low end of the spectrum. Just like me, you are drawn to the darkness. Vampires and Wiccans and werewolves are great imaginary things. You may als be a witch and belive in the God/Goddess. You have potential, you bottle up your emotions but when the time comes you resolve your issues clearly and precisely.You are not as faithful and religious as perhaps others in your community, but you try your best to be a good, whatever it is. You may als obe agnostic and realize there is a god and the parenormal do exist. But you are unable to let yourself relax and become as spiritual as the next person, for fear of the after life.Death is something you never want, and life is everything. The Full moon is your symbol, and Faeries of all kinds have decorated your fantasies in many different forms.Take heed and stay away from the low end of the dark spectrum, you may be swallowed and forced to follow the darkness, regardless of how hard you try to resist. You are dangerusly close to a conversion.
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The Expansive (LONG) Quiz: What Degree of Darkness are you? (READ THE MEMO!)
You are borderline between being a low level Light or being in the grey area of Darkness. Your will and strength to live is easily wavered through the troubles you have in your life.Darkness sorounds you, but you are not directly immersed. Sometimes you wish you could rise and be one of Light, and other times you wish you had the strength to kill the person who has hurt you before. The pain and memories of that act will haunt you. You are me. You may express yourself through many things and your imagination is the only thing you have left to rely on when things are at its hardest.
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Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
What's Your Element?