Anything that doesn't involve housework. Naruto. I love Martial arts, but I don't get to take them right now. I love being outside, especially at the beach. I hate the cold, but I LOVE the snow.
I like a little bit of everything. I don't have time to really get involved in a "scene". I am a grownup.
HEROES,Lost, Naruto, How I Met Your Mother, Greys's Anatomy.
the BIBLE, Morning by Evening-Spurgeon, The Narnia Chronicles, The Screwtape Letters, The Four Loves-CS Lewis, All kinds of other stuff I don't have time to type out. God help me, but I am starting to get into Manga!=0
Jesus, My husband, all the people around the world past and present who have suffered and/or died for the furtherance of the gospel. Those who leave a comfortable life to help the suffering. Basically, all those who have the Who-ha's to do things I could never do.