i am dosua secretorp,general secretorp,codename sparks,i am a mandalorian general,i lead a battalion of troops called the ghost,they are a group of 30 men,all with superier training and are amazing warriors,i fought beside them for many many years,even though i am so youung now i use to be over a 100,but on endor i found a plant that if you eat the pollin your age is decreased along with your physical apperence,all of my men and i ate this,so did my father doon secretorp.i was once a general of the empire but i left the empire and returned to my mandalorian heritage,the empires soilders are clones of soliders but i wasnt,i was recruited in because of my superior talentes as a warrior.my codename was given to me when i was promoted to commander,it was given to me because when i ran into a sand storm by myself against a battalion of 50 super battle droids,all my squad saw within the sand was sparks flying all over the place and then after the sparks stoped they saw me walk out from the storm holding a large dagger and a katana
What Kind of Millitary Commander Would You Make? Your Result:
Undefeatable You're a master. No matter what happens, you are an impassible wall on the battlefield. In terms of tactics you are in your very own league. Your position on combat is flexible.
What Kind of Millitary Commander Would You Make?