SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR profile picture

SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR

iS thiS a teSt? It haS to be, otherwiSe I caNt Go On. But I'm StiLL riGht heRe, giVing bLood, Keepin

About Me

You Will Know Me, By The ScaRs I Bare, You Will KnoW Me By The Hate I Swear!
"To find yourself in a foreign land"

You feel out of feel more foreign then you've ever felt in your life. I serve two countries at one time and I'm forever trying to make all my dreams a reality. I'm a Great Man! I doesn't matter what you say nor do I care what you think if you disagree lOl. I'm very loving and expressive when it comes to how I feel and what I think. I'm a lot of things. There's no simplicity when it comes to me. Either love me or hate me, but you'll be glad to know me. I'm real funny, but real serious at times. I have a maturity, depth and passion that not many understand nor appreciate. But it's ok because I have a wonderful family and lots of friends that appreciate me and see me for who I am. God gives me what I'm worth. I'm in the Air Force and I'm on an island that will be my home for a couple of years. I'm very grateful for my life, my health, my family and friends and for just being able to feel...the pain, the strain, the happiness, the pleasures and the memories. Eventhough I don't always like to remember, I'm sure that every single thing/moment serves a purpose. Anyhow, I can go on and on...but I rather not and let you find out...if you wanna know whatsup, hit me up. The only reason I'm on myspace is to unify me with my family and friends and maybe meet some cool people along the way. But other then's a bit over rated and full of shit at times. Anyhow, I appreciate your curiousity and attention. Live life to the fullest, don't settle for less or get caught up in shit. Always keep your head up and keep a sense of humor. You ain't never had a friend like me.
My shadow's Shedding skin
And I've been picking scabs again.
I'm down, digging through my old muscles for a clue.
I've been crawling on my belly, clearing out what could've been.
I've been wallowing in my own confused and insecure delusions
For a piece to cross me over...
Or a word to guide me in.
I wanna feel the changes coming down.
I wanna know what I've been hiding in my shadow
Change is coming through my shadow.
My shadow's shedding skin.
I've been picking my scabs again.
I've been crawling on my belly, clearing out what could've been
I've been wallowing in my own chaotic,insecure delusions.
I wanna feel the change consume me
Feel the outside turning in.
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and cleansing
I've endured, in my shadow.
Change is coming. Now this is my time!
Listen to my muscle memory.
Contemplate what I've been clinging to.
I, choose to Live and to, Grow,
Take and Give and to, Move,
Learn and love and to, Cry,
Kill and Die and to, Be,
Paranoid and to, Lie,
Hate and Fear and to, Do,
Life as it comes...Straight no Chaser
"When all else fails and all else fades..."
"I kept my word through bitter days"

My Interests

"My love is music...I will marry melody" Family, My puppy, Movies, Rock Concerts, Paintballing, Snorkeling, Getting Close to great people, Giving and Receiving Affection, Passion, Depth, Empathy, Sincerity, Animals, Space, Singing.....

I'd like to meet:

"I want to meet Christ....alone",Scooter Ward, Maynard James Keenan, Elisha Cuthbert and

I want to meet anyone who will be mature and strong enough to love, appreciate and truly feel me.


2Pacalypse, 2pac, Makaveli%%DeftoneS%%Team Sleep%CoLd^The WitcH%MuDvAyNe%Ill Nino^Otep^HaWtHoRnE HeIgHtS^%Slipknot^^System of a Down%%KoRn%40 Below SummeR^%Cold%^The Early November%%Funeral for a friend%Tool%^%A Perfect Circle^^BUSH^Institute%Gwen Stefani%^Staind%Sevendust^^Flyleaf^^GiRl In A CoMa^^Disturbed%Static X%SiLveRSteiN%KiLL YouR Ex^Unloco^Coal Chamber^Devil Driver%SoulFly%MotoGrater%Killswitch Engage^Incubus%Flaw%Dashboard Confessional^Marilyn Manson%Finger Eleven%KiTTie%Nirvana%Eric Clapton%Fleetwoodmac%Led Zeppelin^The Cure%TAKing BACK SunDAY^^Third Eye Blind%%Matchbook Romance%%Brand New^^Method Man%^Eminem^%DMX%50cent^Cypress Hill%Bone%Ludacris^^Ginuwine%^Aaliyah%%Swishahouse%112. Lil bit of Country and lil bit of everything.
Music Is Art! sevaS trA



All of Tupac's Movies, Scarface, Braveheart/Mel Gibson Movies, Atwone Fisher/Denzel Washington Movies, War Movies, Love Movies and Sci-Fi.


HeRoes,Seinfeld, Simpsons, The Family Guy, Will and Grace, Beavis And ButtHead, 24, Fresh Prince, Friends, Ren and Stimpy, Frasier, Def Poetry etc.


Alize.....Jesus Christ.....Scooter Ward

My Blog

To HaVe AnD To HoLd

I NeeD to be cleaNsed It'S tiMe to maKe aMeNds FoR aLL oF tHe fuNYouR daMaGe iS doNe! And I feeL diSeaSed I'm doWn oN my kNeeS And I neeD foRgiVeNeSS SoMeOne to beAr witNeSS To tHe GoodneSS ...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Sun, 06 May 2007 01:38:00 PST

I'm So GrateFul To Be AliVe...But I CouLd Of DieD

For those that know and those that don't:I am finally able to reveal/share something that only a significant few knew of.  This is something very personal and very tragic.  On December 11th ...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:24:00 PST


I Love This SongThis is PaSSioN Hey baby...Hey baby....I know it's late but I wanted to see...How you were doing.  So how are you doing?Mistakes...I know i've made, but i wanted to say.....
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:56:00 PST


I could take every fucking word she saidThrow it in her facebut would she even care?I still remember when she looked at methat frown upon her faceTrying to be sincereWell I gathered all thos...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:40:00 PST

GoodBye My LoVeR...

Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. ...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 05:27:00 PST


Inflatable for me......Nothing but hot air it seems.....        &n bsp;         &n bsp;   And you my dear.....
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 10:07:00 PST

It WaS A DreaM

Your defenses were on high  Your walls built deep inside Yeah I'm a selfish bastard  But at least I'm not alone My intentions never change  What I wanted stays th...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:57:00 PST

DiaRy Of JaCqueLynne

If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? Would you like that? And I don't mind If you say this love is the last time So now I'll ask Do...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:10:00 PST


THIS WASN'T WROTE BY ME BUT BY A Lisa Marie's INTELLIGENT FRIEND NAMED LAZ.  Thank you. Ladies take note! Fellas here is what to look for. Top 10: Traits Of A Great Girlfriend I must admit ...
Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 05:35:00 PST

Military Life and It's Purpose

Posted by SuLkinG N DayS I noW LauGh oVeR on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:47:00 PST