Theresa profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Theresa. I love wind but I hate when it gets in my ears. I dont enjoy talking on phone but I like people allot even though I'm extremely ackward. I like writing and I would very . I have a fear of centepides, millipededs, stampedes, potato bugs, getting yelled at, and people not liking me. I'd like to be an author and an english teacher though I have Suzy Homemaker tendancies. I'm going to Mankato State University this fall. I like walking aimlessly through town on a brisk night. I like going barefooted and I like swimming and playing games such as tag and baboon wrestling.

My Interests

I like to read, dance, sew, and write. I like warmth on a cold day. I love Scotland. ummm, food yes i like food very much, especially all kinds of pasta and pie.I found that I like spring rolls a ton

I'd like to meet:

God, Gandhi, Barbra Kingsolver, Kiera Knightley, Nicole Kidman, Ewan Mcgregor, and someone (sorry for the cornieness) loves me (in a romatic sense, I cant make myself give up that notion!).


Dramatic or good to dance to, it must be one of those things. I like Broadway and dance music. I HATE saxophones, arrrg, it just rubs me the wrong way!


Prid and Prejudice, Moulin Rouge, Chocolate, Tenth Kingdom, Princess Bride, Dead End, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Cold Mountain, Brown Sugar, The Others, V for Vendetta, Pride and Prejudice. It's funny cause I'm a big baby watching scary movies but they're my favorite


I like Lost, Sienfield, British comedies, Simpsons, Masterpeice theater, Friends, Monty Python, others that are not here but I didnt think of at first so they musnt be my very favorites


Secret Life of Bees, The Stone Garden, Witch of Black Bird Pond, Traveling Pants series,Jane Austen,Barbara Kingsolver, Victorian ghost stories, random historic fiction, others . . . there is a very long list


If I was a superhero I would travel in a bubble, an invisible one, and I would have imbobility stick as my weapon. I dont know what I would wear but it would include a circlet and a cape that didnt weigh much but would be used as a parachute that I would use for jumping off buildings after people who jumped or were pushed.

My Blog

school time

I thought that after a while I'd get over hating this school year and get into the groove of things. But I cant seem to get used to it and I cant seem to get happy. It kind of seems like everythings g...
Posted by Theresa on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:24:00 PST

random poem

Meet me in the hall where the lights struggle through the crowd to light your way. Around the harlequins and centaurs and pixies. I am waiting by the wall, holding a key silent and patient. The key I ...
Posted by Theresa on Wed, 17 May 2006 06:50:00 PST

add game at the top of screen

You know those adds at the top of the screen-catch the dog, shoot the duck, kill the fly? Does anyone else have problem with those? I always stare at them a while and I have to tell my self, "no I won...
Posted by Theresa on Fri, 12 May 2006 05:46:00 PST

I love Kristen!! thanks for the gum!

Kristen saved the day yesterday. She gave me her last peice of gum. She made my day. Thankyou Kristen, I think you know why you made my night so great.
Posted by Theresa on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:02:00 PST

So Sorry everyone!!

I'm sorry if I take forevr to respond to comments or I dont make comments cuz I cant go on myspace often due to my slowpoke computer. Sooo. . . I got done with my play-Lend Me A Tenor- that was the fu...
Posted by Theresa on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:51:00 PST

history project

Calling people in my history group! We were going to have a meeting today but am feeling horrid. It seriuosly makes my head pound to talk on the phone. Not that that's a good excuse for me not calling...
Posted by Theresa on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 01:37:00 PST

How speach went today

Okay, so I get on the bus, take some cold medicene and sleep the whole way there. When I start my first session (there are three sessions) I have no energy and I am very nervous cuz I have no script. ...
Posted by Theresa on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 03:58:00 PST

speach tomorrow

I'm on speach team and tomorrow we have a meet. This is my first meet this year and I have a killer speach that I wrote myself. So I'm hooping I'll do real well but this is deffinetly questionable for...
Posted by Theresa on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 04:15:00 PST

not sure if this will work-survey

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:TheresaBirthday:Aug 11Birthplace:Spring Brook IowaCurrent Location:My basementEye Color:blueHair Color:brownHeight:?Right Handed or Left Handed:rightYour Herita...
Posted by Theresa on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 03:16:00 PST

snow day thoughts

Yesterday I went home from school early because it felt like my foot was dissolving. After I went home I took a pain pill that knocked me out till three in the afternoon( I had taken it at 10:30 in th...
Posted by Theresa on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 01:03:00 PST