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Life is made up of a series of rooms & who we're trapped in those rooms with...Do you have the k

About Me

..Whats up? The name's Nick, I'm a laid back kinda guy just bein me, I am who I am, what you see is what you get. I have a three year old son who means the world to me. When I'm not with him I'm workin on my future. I like the simple things in life; a quiet walk alone, a good movie or book, sometimes just a cold beer with good friends. I'm a straight forward kinda guy that comes with no bullshit. If you can handel a REAL guy hit me up.

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How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 96%
Romance - 81%
Self - Control - 92%
Kissing - 56%
Cuddling - 41%
Kinkiness - 48%
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My Interests

..I'm really into using my hands, I love the felling of turning nothing into somthing. I'm a man of the arts, i draw and paint and I'm good at it but my passion is writing. I've written everything, short stories, poems, I even got a novel & screen play I'm polishing up. I'm a movie buff too I watch all kinds of movies I consider it research for when I make my own. One day you'll be watching a blockbuster by NV(my son's initals)Productions.
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone as cool & crazy as me.But mostly old friends I aint seen in a while.As far as ladies go, only the straight forward, smart, & funny, oh & sexy ;) I'm single so anything goes. By the way if you send a friend request, send a message.....


Cool Myspace Posters


I watch 'em all but nothin's better than a movie that fucks with ur mind.
Happy Humps


Deadwood, The Shield, Sopranos, definately Family Guy
Funny Pics


I will be getting my own published soon!!
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?


The men of primative times when technology was nonexistent. When one had ro really fight to survive. ..