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About Me

I am not a Virgo - that automatically categorizing thing sucks. I am a Libra.
100 Things???
UPDATED 07/20/2008
1. I like staying up late & getting up late.
2. I rarely get the luxury of those two things anymore.
3. I believe that WalMart IS the Antichrist.
4. I really do not like talking on the telephone.
5. Thanks to Linda Garcia-Shaw, I am now addicted to that freaky tart yogurt mixed with Captain Crunch.
6. I like Beer. 7. I have one younger brother, who is married with three children.
8. I've milked goats.
9. I do not eat things that have tentacles.
10. I used to collect "moons" until everyone started buying me a bunch of cheesy ones.
11. I used to collect elephants until everyone started buying me a bunch of cheesy ones.
12. Now I collect diamonds and $100 bills.
13. I love my Magic Eight Ball.
14. I used to have a Honda XR200 motorcycle. *SIGH* It was fun.
15. I keep a broom at my desk at work... there are many stories as to it's use.
16. My favorite thing in the world is traveling.
17. I have to pee a lot.
18. I'm now on Weight Watchers and I'm going to be skinny a year from now! That didn't exactly pan out. I am weak and have crap for willpower... I will be fat forever!
19. Jimmie Johnson is the best Nascar Driver EVER.
20. Whoooo... go 48!.
21. I keep entering sweepstakes hoping to win something big.
22. When I entered sweepstakes I have won: A sweatshirt from the Discovery Channel, a Barbie outfit, assorted cassette tapes, a pair of yellow jogging shorts, a sport watch, Olympic pins, Aerosmith Tickets, A Scarface package, a telephone call from Cinderella, an iPod, and some other miscellaneous junk.
23. While there are people who I admire, my parents are really my heroes... my parents are amazing and taught me how to love.
24. I have been to the Bridge to Nowhere. Repeatedly.
25. I have read all of the Tom Brown Jr. Tracker books.
26. I was once on a jury for 4 months ~ capital murder. I was only an alternate and did not get to participate in the deliberations WHICH SUCKED! He was sentenced to death and I totally agreed.
27. I bite my nails. I want to stop, really. I just don't see that ever happening.
28. I'm totally a geek. Every year I go to Comic Con AND the Hot Wheel Convention !
29. I get this really sucky & evil pain in my abdomen that no one can figure out how to prevent. It totally sucks.
30. I only like to drink coffee at night. I prefer it to have some Bailey's in it.
31. I used to be in a pinball league... Now I'm in a new sort of Pinball league.
32. I got a HUGE promotion this year - it's about time.
33. I proposed to Mr. San Diego on Valentine's Day 2003.
34. I fell down a cliff south of Cancun in 1995 and ripped open my leg.
35. I have a pretty scar from that experience... pretty BIG.
36. I'm pretty sure there is a diamond earring in that ravine I fell into.
37. I collect 14k gold charms from places I visit or to represent things in my life.
38. I love getting smashed pennies from places I go. Mr. San Diego just bought me I now have three "passports" to keep them in. YEA!
39. I don't have many "girlfriends". Three, I think... or something like that.
40. The only thing that I cook by measuring is gravy... if you don't measure, you will be sorry!
41. I am totally afraid of vampires. I know it's irrational, but I can't help it.
42. I turn 40 this year (2008).
43. I'm sort of boring, I like VANILLA ice cream. I'll eat other ones, though. My most recent favorite is actually Oatmeal Cookie Chunk by Ben & Jerry's. It's delic-a-rama.
44. I drive 85 80 miles one way to work... yup, that's a round trip of 170 160 miles.
45. I buy gas ALMOST every other day.
46. I drive a blue Saturn SC2.
47. Before I hooked up with Mr. San Diego, I had planned to get a Mazda Miata.
48. I have a new obsession with purses - BIG ONES!
49. I wear glasses.
50. I love neon. I have a pink neon moon... it's one of my favorite possesions.
51. I own four five cameras: A very nice (and really big) Minolta Maxxum 7000 35mm, a new little Olympus 35mm, a Sony Mavica Digital camera and a Polaroid - and we got a rockin' Olympus digital with money from our wedding.
52. I like to celebrate my birthday throughout the whole month of September. Gifts are ALWAYS welcome.
53. I have been to over 50 US National Parks and Monuments!
54. I plan to visit all US National Parks & Monuments (& seashores and historic sites and recreation areas, etc) There are currently over 400.
55. The best finish I've ever had in a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament is 2nd. I dream of being first. Of course, I would have to start playing again if I ever want to do that!
56. At work I refer to myself as "The Cleaner". You know, like in Pulp Fiction? If there's a problem, I fix it.
57. I have at least 20 over 30 pairs 40 pairs of Doc Martens.
58. I'm very impatient.
59. I'm a control freak.
60. I can't understand why people don't do things the way I would do it.
61. I'm trying really hard to stop having such high expectations of everyone. I'm not all that sucessful at that.
62. I wish I had a big neato skeeto kitchen where I could stay home all day making fantastic meals.
63. I love trivia.
64. I enjoy history and would love to study it more.
65. I wear a size 7 shoe (or a 4UK). I have a lot of shoes.
66. I'm shy around strangers.
67. Until you give me a few beers.
68. For some reason, if you hand me a water gun, I end up with a headband on and I think I'm Rambette.
69. I'll lie to save someone's feelings.
70. I am extremely close to my mom, dad, brother and even my extended family.
71. I love winter because it's crisp and cold and there are usually twinkly lights.
72. I love spring because you can smell the orange blossoms.
73. I love summer because the sun comes out and it's time for the water sports Summer is just too freaking hot!
74. I love fall because the weather becomes cool enough for hikes and bike rides.
75. I am NOT a morning person. But, I'm adapting.
76. I sing in my car and I can really belt them out... when I'm alone.
77. I really like PEZ dispensers. People can (and do!) buy me all the cheesy ones of those that they like!
78. I am totally addicted to audiobooks now that I commute.
79. My fave authors are David Morrell (who I recently met!), David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, Jonathan Kellerman, and Sophie Kinsella.
80. I was ecstatic when they came out with "stay on" lipstick... You all can keep your Mac, I'll take Max Factor's Lipfinity or Cover Girl's Outlast ANY DAY,but I was disappointed that Max Factor and Lipfinity went away =(
81. If I could only pick one item of make-up to wear, it would be lipstick. It used to be mascara. Sometimes it's a toss up.
82. I would totally dig going on Survivor except for the eating gross stuff... can't do it.
83. Poor grammar annoys me, even though I use slang and poor grammar all of the time. But, I'm usually doing it intentionally... it's different.
84. In business writing, using "phone" instead of "telephone" bugs the crap out of me.
85. I love solving puzzles. Even a messy check register can be a puzzle to me.
86. I get six weeks per year vacation. Who could leave this job???
87. I hate when people say AXE instead of ASK. Especially while toasting at a wedding... HAHAHAHAHA
88. Sometimes, if I see a beautiful sunset, I'll stop driving, pull over, and watch it.
89. I had planned on having a child. It was going to be a girl. We called her Charlie when we talked about her. How bizarre was talking about a non-existent (never to exist) unborn girl child?
90. My best seat at a concert was front row-center for Motley Crue at Blockbuster Pavilion in 2000. It was awesome.
91. If I could pick a size, I think I'd like to wear a size 6.
92. I have REALLY been wanting to play Last summer we started playing croquet.
93. I am good at: cooking, scrapbooking, poker playing, supervising, taking notes, photography, setting clocks on VCRs.
94. My Renaissance Faire costume is valued at well over $1000 and I only dress as a peasant!
95. I never leave home without a bottle opener... except when I went to Hawaii. Oops.
96. Life would be easier if it was understood that it IS, in fact, ALL ABOUT ME.
97. I've been in love 3 times and thought I was in love an additional 2 times.
98. I work so that I can go on vacation.
99. I feel very lucky to have met and married Dean who is my perfect match... and he puts up with my psycho self, go figure.
100. This was remarkably easy and quickly completed! I wrote this 100 things years ago and updated it on August 16, 2007 July 20, 2008.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

BEER BLOG - !!: Port / Lost Abbey Brewing, San Marcos, CA

I'm a little behind on the ol' beer blog.  I have a couple of reasons for this.  That's not important right now, though.  What is important is that last week we made it to Port Brewing/...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:13:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - Diez: Stone 080808 Vertical Epic Ale

It finally arrived.  Ever since February whenI found out that Stone Brewery creates a special brew called it's Vertical Epic Ale to be released each year on the month and day that corresponds to ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 04:43:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - nine: Coconut Porter

WOW.  I'm drinking a beer by Maui Brewing Co from... uh, Maui, called Coconut Porter and it's good.  It's a porter so it's SUPER dark, almost black, and it has a great balance between t...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 05:08:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - 8: Backstreet Brewery

Today we thought we'd take a tour of the combo Port Brewery/Lost Abbey Brewery in San Marcos.  Unfortunately, when we arrived they were having a private party.  While we were invited to stay...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 17:07:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - $even

So, BevMo had it's Grand Opening of the new Escondido Store today. Of course, I missed it being at work and all, but Dean made it and got to do a Stone tasting before they packed up their kegs. The go...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 20:00:00 GMT


Tonight I'm drinking Sam Adams.  I didn't used to like Sam Adams and right now, I'm not certain why that was.  It's a lager, but it's a bold flavored lager, so none of that wussy yellow stuf...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 21:43:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - Five-a-licious

So, I've been doing Comic Con..I'm drinking a lot of beer.  We brought lots of flavors, but I can't stop drinking the Double Barrel.  I'm telling you... this is the best beer. Oh, and maybe ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 13:55:00 GMT

BEER BLOG - four

Well, I guess I'm just not man enough for Guiness Stout.  But, I'm drinking it anyway... maybe if I mix it with chick beer?  It would ALMOST be a Snakebite. For those unfamiliar with the Sn...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 11:49:00 GMT


So, like, tonight Dean chilled me some Firestone Double Barrel Ale.  I love this beer; it is a current favorite of mine.  Firestone is brewed in Paso Robles, California and while it is a pal...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 20:59:00 GMT


Tonight after an appertif of last night's Alaskan Amber Ale, I switched to a little chick beer.  For those unfamiliar with chick beer, it is commonly made with fruit so that the flavor is sweeter...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 19:41:00 GMT