SPORTS! Nascar, baseball, football... Good stuff. Love hanging with some friends at local pubs (NOT CLUBS, PUBS!) and enjoying a beer. I love to read most anything, I enjoy road trips, ego trips, psychological warfare. Anything that holds my interest.
Nice people and old friends, once I get a few pictures up and ya'll recog me! Will Ferrell, Bruce Campbell... That old lady on the Verizon texting commercials... MYOB, will 'ya?William Shatner Rocket Man
I'm not into heavy metal, crazy unintelligible grunge and acid rock... Other than that, I can appreciate most everything else out there... Oh yeah, minus Boy Pop Bands too... Bleck. I love Classic Rock, Oldies, 90's faves (does that date me??? Laugh) I like most EVERYTHING, thou I may not know the names of the artists, I can generally stand the tunes... Bon Jovi, The Eagles, Blink 182, Mana, Billy Joel... All amongst my faves
Shawshank Redemption has to be one of the best of all time... I sometimes prefer the books to the movies. Star Wars, Star Trek... If there's a Star in the title, I'm likely to watch it. I like Super Troopers, anything with Bruce Campbell, Comedies and Action Movies. Gotta love movies.
Football. Nascar. Baseball. SPORTS. And no, Scrabble on Espn does NOT count as a freaking sport! Nor does "Olympic Trampolining" thou we all had to put up with that BullCrap in August...
I love MOST of them All!!! I'll read most anything, I can think of only a few books that I can't finish, and I hate it when I come up against something that isn't worth reading. I like Dean Koontz, Grisham, Joyce Meyer, Max Lucado, Robert McCammon, Jennifer Crusie, and everything else.
Positive people that overcome the adversity that life throws at us ALL. There is nothing new under the sun. Some are just better at handling it.