Craig profile picture


Just like James, ill be drinking Irish tonight

About Me

Everything you need to know about me. If you want to know, you can try to read this big long mess.good luck. peace out.1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT Ring? Given one? no.2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? Ha, about 8 months.3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? A shot Vodka that i didnt buy. and it was terrible. 4. EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE? Every time i get out of the car.5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? Uhhh, my work is a workout.6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? Shoes, CDs, Brew.7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? Chinese and it was good.8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Id be lying if i didnt say looks, but a personality makes a big difference.9. ONE FAVORITE SONG? Sippin on some sizzurp. 3 6 mafia baby.10. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Fairmount11. HIGH SCHOOL YOU ATTEND: Madison-Grant HS12. CELL PHONE SERVICE PROVIDER: Verizon.13. FAVORITE MALL STORE: American Eagle....any place a can get an expensive pair of shoes.14. LONGEST JOB YOU HAD: Current job, 4 years.15. DO YOU OWN A PAIR OF DICE? Nope16. DO YOU PRANK CALL PEOPLE?: Used to all the time, caller id put a stop to that, and a dad that worked at the Phone company.18. FIRST FRIEND YOU'D CALL IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY: Thats a tough one. Id buy them all a plane ticket and meet them in Tahiti.19. LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR BEST FRIEND: I usually see one of them every other day or so.20. FAVORITE FAST FOOD RESTAURANT: taco bell. Penn Station, Quiznos.....21. BIGGEST LIE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD: I dont know, there are alot of people who are full of shit out there. 23. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT WITH FRIENDS? B W 3s. Texas Roadhouse, Puerta Vallerta.24. CAN YOU COOK? Frozen pizzas and Mac and cheese.25. WHAT CAR DO YOU DRIVE?: 07 Grand Prix on dubs. not really any dubs though.26. BEST KISSER: It doesnt matter as long as the other person wants to. lol27. LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: hmmmm. I honestly cant tell you.28. MOST DISLIKED FOODS: Non fried onions. Lettuce can ruin anything for me.29. THINGS YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: I always try to act like myself and not someone else.30. THING YOU DISLIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: Too easy going sometimes, let stuff slide that i shouldnt.32. LONGEST SHIFT YOU HAVE WORKED AT A JOB?: 16 hours at least. Indiana State. wont soon forget it.33. FAVORITE MOVIE? Night at the Roxbury.34. CAN YOU SING? No and i will never fool myself into thinking i can.36. LAST KISS? A week and a half?37. LAST MOVIE RENTED: Its been years, im not sure.Reid has every movie i need.38. ONE THING YOU NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT: Phone, Wallet, Chew.39. FAVORITE vacation spot : Hawaii.....Cancun is right there too. I want to Vacation in Oregon. And ofcourse Maine.Been alot of nice places.43. LAPTOP OR DESKTOP COMPUTER?: Desktop44. FAVORITE COMEDIAN?: Tim Wilson. Donny Baker.46. SLEEP WITH OR WITHOUT CLOTHES? With shorts.47. WHO SLEEPS WITH YOU EVERY NIGHT?: nobody.48. DO LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS WORK?: Ive had a couple work pretty well.49. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN PULLED OVER BY THE POLICE? 5 seatbelt violations...1 speeding ticket....3 or 4 warnings. a couple odd ones too. haha50. PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST? French Toast51. DO YOU LIKE COFFEE?: Hell no.52 HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? scrambled with cheese and some maple syrup.53. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY?: Never, its like believing a fortune out of a cookie.54. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?: Bryan55. LAST PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALL LIST?: Jason56. WHAT WAS THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECIEVED?: A forward of DS eating a corndog, if you havent seen it ill send it to you.....hilarious.58. NUMBER OF PILLOWS?: As many as i can get.59. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: Nike Shorts.60. PICK A LYRIC, ANY LYRIC: "I was drunk, the day my mom got out of prison" DAC61. WHAT KIND OF JELLY DO YOU LIKE ON YOUR PB & J?: Grape and only grape62. CAN YOU PLAY POOL?: Without beer bad, with descent.63. CAN YOU SWIM? yes64. FAVORITE ICE CREAM?: chocolate. Vanilla with cake.65. DO YOU LIKE MAPS? yes i do66. TELL ME A RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I once pitched 65 innings without giving up a home run....Kyle Poe, i hate you.68. EVER ATTEND A THEME PARTY?: Hell yes.69. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON : spring/Summer. I like snow though too.70. LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED AT SOMETHING STUPID? About 1 minute ago watching Lil Bush.71. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING? alarm went off at 7:04am.72. BEST THING ABOUT WINTER?: Getting snowed in at reids house, with a ton of beer.73. LAST TIME A COP GAVE YOU A TICKET?: On my way to muncie. 5 years ago. I had no dash lights.75. NAME OF YOUR FIRST PET?: Molly is the first one i remember.76. DO YOU THINK PIRATES ARE COOL OR OVERRATED?: Are you kidding me? I want to be a pirate right now.77. WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND?? Something to do with friends and Beer.78. BIRTHDATE: May 21st 1980.79. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE: A pro fisherman, a MLB baseball player, and a pirate.ARRRR85. ARE YOU ON A LAPTOP?: no87. ARE YOU SMILING?: No.89. DO YOU MISS SOMEONE RIGHT NOW : Yes, just a little.90. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Austrailia. Hawaii....back to florida would be good enough.92. ARE YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL?: No93. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?: No, that was in Jr High.94. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NAME? Marvin ofcourse.95. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHING SUIT?: My swim trunks are brown and black.96. DOES YOUR SCHOOL START IN AUGUST?: What school?97. DID YOU GO ON VACATION LAST MONTH?: This month, St. Pete Beach. Spent alot of money and i have a towel and a tan to show for it.98. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A CRUISE?: Yeah, not recent enough though.99. DO YOU HAVE A SISTER : Yes i do.100. ARE YOU UPSTAIRS?: Basement101. ARE YOU IN LOVE?: with a stripper. no.102. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL? Yes, dont ever want to go back.103. DO YOU WISH YOU COULD SEE ANYONE PARTICULAR RIGHT NOW? Most deffinently.104. WHAT JEWELRY ARE YOU WEARING? My Blingin silver yo.105. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AFTER THIS SURVEY? Brush my teeth. Bed.

My Interests

Sports, Beer, Women. Summitville softball league, Owning the Elwood YMCA dodgeball league two years straight. Fishing,Camping.

I'd like to meet:

Dime Bag Darryl, Pete Rose, Bob Knight....Myles Brand, Bill Clinton, Griffey Jr, Some girl named Candy, Kristin Kruek, A woman worth marrying, Reids Dad, Axle Rose and Slash.A Cubs player who has won a World Series, Tim Hardaway, Thruman Thomas.Coach Hep.My kids, just Oh, and the jackass who invented frats.


Hank III, Pantera, Tupac, Digital Underground, Cake, Too Short, GNR,Poison,NKOTB,Down,Juvey,3 6 Mafia,Dio,Anthrax, Motley Crue,Danzig,Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch,Van Halen,J Giels Band,Billy Squire,The Mars Volta,Killswitch Engage,Luda,Bobby V, David Allan Coe,Bullet for my Valentine,Ginuwine,B 52's,Jodeci,Bel Biv Devoe,DTP, CKY. Not Nickleback or Daughtry or the Beatles, or Dave Mathews or Hinder, or Keith Urban, or Kenny Chesney, Pop Country sucks my ass.I wouldnt know what to do without music. div


The movie of all time is Night at the Roxbury. Super Troopers, Half Baked, Dumb and Dumber, Varsity Blues, Jay and Silent Bob Strike back. Van Wilder, Road Trip,Water Boy,Billy Madison,Joe Dirt,Wedding Crashers, Old School,Major Leagues, I see a theme developing. Anything stupid.


I mainly just watch sports, IU basketball, football, Cincy Reds. History Channel, Discovery, Myth Busters rules, and ghost hunters too. Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert is my idol.CNN sometimes, screw Fox News.


To Kill a Mocking Bird is a great book, other than that i dont really read books.I hear there are some good ones out there though. Im a magazine person.


The 765 posse. There are some 317s. Some 812s. The BDGC for rizzle. Ok Im an idiot.

My Blog

This took me 3 days to it a-holes...

Basics : .[ .001. ] first name: Craig [ .002. ] middle name: Marvin [ .003. ] last name: Holloway[ .004. ] nickname(s): Craigery, Marvin. [ .005. ] gender: Male[ .006. ] age: 27 i think[ .007. ] ...
Posted by Craig on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:06:00 PST