Everything from my editing and video work, to motorcycles, snowboarding, and all things a.d...d. related.... hey look, the ... key sticks .... ........ ... ..... ..... ........ ...
Anyone with a decent head on their shoulders.
Blah blah blah everything, like everyone else that cant be closed minded, ok, fuck smooth jazz that can burn in hell, but I have every other genre in my permanently borrowed MP3 files.
From back when it was cool Donnie Darko *I bet I cant spell that right., to rez..... You know, I'll watch almost everything once, and all my favorites are the ones you like to put in here to seem like you have more depth than "The Rock" would lead someone to believe too.
Don't do it, TV is terrible. But when i run away from it all the TV is nice to sit back and look at other people that must have it worse than me. Has anyone else noticed that trend lately? They keep putting people on TV with serious mental issues, relationship problems, or just plain idiots. I think they call all that reality TV. And yes that's what I'm doing in May so I'm one of the above too, shit I may be all three.
I must be one of the people who doesn't have time to read, or use that as an excuse because I have nothing poignant to put here. Oh shit, never mind, this is where I'm most likely to lie about some book that I didn't understand the point of, and hope you didn't either so I can seem intelligent, insightful, or witty.
People who do what they say they are going to. People with a plan. Anyone who has the patience to make it this far into a profile of a stranger.Honest, loyal, genuine people.