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Valentine Xavier

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Dont Care It's 3

About Me


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I wasn't born, I was squeezed from a bar rag... I'm a ragamuffin.... with homesick-eyes. I'm 22 and I've come from the crossroads. I got a heart as big as the moon. Beauty is where I hang my hat. I drink TNT and smoke dynomite. I've never owned a computer. Although, I have owned a baby blue switch blade (named) Julius. I live right across from this liquor store. I saw an old friend at that liquor store the other day, he has a wooden leg, and a real foot. He told me "Friend, today I lost a button hole" I asked "Well where in the hell are you gonna find a button hole?" he said "why haven't you called me?" I replied "I can't call everyone I want, my new phone doesn't have any fives on it" he asked " how long have you had it?" then I replied " I don't know my calander doesn't have any sevens."
I do not own a computer, but will get back to you as soon as I can with any messages sent to this page. For any booking information (or general information) message this page or call (815)210-7054, it's my personal number. instant message- poormontyclift .Thanks Valentine.

"Valentine Xavier" is not a stage name. It is a nickname given to me by my friends grandfather. He was a saxophone player and worked for chess studio many years ago (was great friends with Sunnyland Slim). The name comes from a Tennessee Williams play "Orpheus Descending" and was given to me cause he never saw me without a Tennessee Williams book. I use the name out of respect and because I dont like my own.
Chicago is a woman
with cold love
And I rest my elbows
upon her tables
Watching strange birds
gather along
her heartstrings
Watching her destitute
seek refuge
in the caves
of her
black lids batting
Watching her scenery
her tourists
When she speaks
into my ears
I can taste her
ebonic tongue
every evening
her face/
every street
her mangled
her dead bootleggers,
her dead gangsters,
her dead blues
She conducts a symphony
when she moves
her sweet
little boot soles
Past her dilapidated
rusty swingsets,
With a
through all
her freckled
on the sad
of night
i lay my head
upon her stories
My art is nothing
more than her
-Valentine Xavier from"Second City Gumbo"

My Interests


Member Since: 2/14/2006
Band Members: Bryan
"Valentine Xavier"

I’ve had the preasure and the plivilege of working with some of the most handsome, creative, decked out, octophonical, deuteronomously hi voltage musicians
Tom Devos
(Drums/ Lead Guitar)
(as well as Organ on "Jackie Onasiss")

Steve Ward

Jon Teeter
(Piano on "Jackie Onassis")

Pat Prendergast
(Piano/ Organ on "Pick on South Street Blues"
and "On a Yellow Windowpane Momma")

Lily Schaffer
(Back Up Vocal on "Jackie Onassis
and On a Yellow Windowpane, Momma")

Influences: Woody Guthrie, The Clash, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Johnson, Hank Williams, The Replacements, Edard Albee, Willie Dixon, Lord Buckley, Common, Leadbelly, Tom Waits, NWA, Rod Serling, The Ramones, Sydney Poitier, Muddy Waters, Neal Cassady, Elvis Costello, Pete Seeger, Marlon Brando, A Tribe Called Quest, Tennessee Williams, Ken Nordine, Cole Porter, Luke the Drifter, Mississippi John Hurt, Martin Heidegger, Carlos Gardel, Jonny Mercer, Laurence Olivier, Chuck Berry, Eugine O'neil, Hot Water Music, Willie Nelson, Langston Hughes, Phil Ochs, Allen Ginsberg, Howlin' Wolf, Angela Davis, Rocky Marciano, Steven Wright, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bill Cosby, Martin Luther King, Johnny Cash, Miles Davis, Carlos Gardel, Ani Di Franco, DJ Shadow, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Marvin Gaye, Serg Gainsbourg, Billie Holiday, Lightin' Hopkins, Thelanious Monk, Odetta, Patsy Cline, Prince, Nina Simone, Igor Stravinsky, Billy Wilder, Vittorio De Sica, Woody Allen, Frederico Fellini, Stanley Kubrick, Orsen Welles, Ingmar Bergman, Charlse Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Capra, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Hicks, Johnny Depp, Montgomery Clift, Buster Keaton, Mark Twain, Anton Chekhov, Sylvia Plath, William Burroughs, Kamala Das, Charles Bukowski, James Baldwin, Lord Byron, Walt Whitman, T. S. Eliot, Langston Hughes, Ezra Pound, Martin Luther, Homer, Edger Allen Poe, Anias Nin, William Carlos Williams, Machiavelli , Pericles, William Blake,
A Letter from Rosary

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Pick Up on Southstreet Blues (Ashbary)

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The Ballad of Billy Jack Gaither

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Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Poetry/ Prose/ Other Songs

{Disclaimer, I am not nor do I claim to be a poet or prose writer. These are simply things that could not be songs} The Second City Gumbo (Part I) The redline 95th street rain starts totap the tinted ...
Posted by Valentine Xavier on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 06:38:00 PST