-----i'm interested in knowing these.pushing certain limits usually interest me.... new ideas. old ideas. health. people. pressure and flow. my interests are also about you and yours, of course!!!!!! being comfortable interests me.
Thelonius the Monk, Koerner Ray and Glover, Napolean, and God bless him, my father. plus you, if you are nice and enjoy a punch in the ego for your savior's sake. lets tustle and learn i'm ready. also, a caveman that killed a dinasaur, Carlan, Davinci, Mississippi John Hurt, and the man who invented earplugs. plus this lady --and the makers of tape childrenand painted people like this --plus ANYONE ANYONE ANYONE that can do something better than me.
a fighting balance that grows between math and roots, and should be given respect for both questions and any shared reason. my baby my elder my battle my curse my secret and source. i absolutely love it all, and i'll groove on anything that's got some real feelings in itMOTHER NATURE ROOTS MUSIC IS A DAMN FINE KEY TO GROW FOR.
www.rinpaeshidan.jpferro-fluid. Definition "ferro - combining form" from Latin "ferrum" 1 : iron 2 : ferrous iron " ..
it's moved back to my roomate's room because parts of my brain were literally falling out.