About Me
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When thinking about how to best express or explain myself to those of you who are interested, I realized how difficult it is to define Me. People have this idea of themselves or who they want to believe they are, but rarely do they provide a honest description allowing me to better understand them.
I could claim that I'm entertaining, intelligent, comforting, generous, eccentric, kind, funny and understanding which would be a portion of who I am. I enjoy being possitive regardless of how messed up a situation I know I may be in. I also enjoy bringing people back to a state of self satisfaction and comfort, I enjoy hanging out with good company with no particular destinations in mind. These are the more delightful aspects of who I am.
The other qualities people tend to leave out are the negative or neutral characteristics. For instance, I'm also a procrastinator at times, a perfectionist yet I find beauty in most things that are imperfect, a glutton for self development and self-sacrifice, by usually putting others before myself regardless of the consequence, and I have horrible posture while sitting. These are all things that comprise my idea of Me, and who's to say that any of this is true until you discover it yourself?
If you want to know more, then talk to me. If you want to understand me better, then spend time with me, and if you just want to have a drink, I'll be more than happy to bring good coversation.
As for some background history, I am a Huge Patriot, I love the country we live in whether we are right or wrong! Also I am Irish Puerto Rican by blood but American by Heart. I lived in Harrison, NJ for the majority of my life. Growing older had it's enjoyable moments and it's less favorable ones, but overall I had a great childhood. After graduating high school, I put more emphasis into education and getting a head start on life than most college students. I currently attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick NJ, which is where I currently reside. I work for The Rutgers Foundation which has been a great asset to my self development as a person. I believe everyone should have goals I have many short term goals that will allow me to reach my long term goal which is to retire before the age of 30. Many people who read this will doubt me because in the current system we are in we are trained to work till we are 65 and thinking outside the box is too hard for most people, so I understand when people tell me I cant do it, I accept it, but it still doesnt mean I wont do it. This is where I'm currently at in my life, and my story will only get better from here.
People underestimate the power of a dream. A group of farmers with no training and barely any weapons beat the strongest, largest, and most well trained army the world had ever known. They didnt know how to fight, they barely had any weapons or supplies, basically all they had was a dream. They are the reason you live as good as you live today. So when a person has a dream and you laugh at them, say they cant do it, or say it will never happen. Then you have basically forgotten what those men have died for. Because they didnt give up their lives for a piece of land, they didnt die for gold or riches, they didnt choke on their own blood for praise or recognition. They died to protect their dream of a better way of life. So to laugh at someone who has a dream, to say it wont work, you dont stand a chance, be happy you have what you have is to forget every dreamer that has ever wanted more out of life, every dreamer that has strived upward to become more. It is a spit in the face to them and to yourself, for everything you have in life that you take for granted came from a dreamer. Everything from the clothes you wear, the rights you have, even to the computer your on now is a result of a dreamer. No one ever made a difference in this world just getting by or just by doing whats the norm. So if you really want to know who I am, I am not normal I am a dreamer.
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