little one profile picture

little one

img alt=blog layouts border=0 src= eous/misc

About Me

hey my name is amjad 18 live on earth i am a palestinian cool person i love ppl , will not all of ,them anyways when um with friends i go crazy i chill alot with them if you wana know more about me find me on my email
Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts br

My Interests

white and light greenwhite and gold on the sidepimp black and cocoawhite and brownbrown and musturdgreen and brown and whitemita green

I'd like to meet:

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rap and hiphop


all the good ones
Girly Myspace Layouts


its not nice to ask ppl that


i am one

My Blog

hey homeys

table table table td.text div img {visibility:hidden;} table table table td.text div { background-image:url(" us_icon/miscellaneous/online_status_106.gif"); backgr...
Posted by little one on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:26:00 PST