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Baseball,Football,and every sport in between...Xcept Golf was never my favorite...
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I'm one of those people who will listen to anything once however Country was never one of my favorites..During this phase in my life I can't not listen to classic rock because in Cape Cod they have no other stations!!! alternative, some techo/house and rap and oh yes how I hate R&B with a passion...However I can't stand watching rap videos due to the fact that everyone seems to have such an excessive ego's now a days....
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I'm obviously a big fan of ESPN.. I pretty much only watch the important channels which are the weather channel, msnbc,history channel,and any of the local news stations which pretty much covers the basics of what's currently going on in the world..I am finally caught up to this season of 24!
I am not going to lie I haven't read a book in a while, however I love reading the Newspaper if that counts??
My Parents...They gave me the lifestyle that they never had growning up.. and I cherish every second of it.