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About Me

Just about 25 years old, from England, currently living and working in Japan.

My Interests

I play guitar, I like movies, books, girls, drinking, music, snowboarding, studying Japanese, living a pure and chaste life by day and generally putrating in the ways of righteousness by night.

I'd like to meet:

Jimi Hendrix


Anything with balls.Mostly I like metal and punk, bands like A Wilhelm Scream, Unearth, Soilwork, Rufio, Bad Religion, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Bridge To Solace, Descendents, Story Of The Year, Lagwagon, Bad Astronaut etc.I also really like old school hip hop, especially Ice Cube's solo stuff. Don't really dig anything after 1994.Last but not least, I am a huge Hendrix fan.


Yo, Back to the Future is the best movie ever.I like loads of other movies, but this stuff really bores me, so I'll type a the top of my head.. payback, pirates of the caribbean (I freaking love pirates, should have put that under interests!), indiana jones (esp raiders) and I think Revenge of the Sith was better than the first three movies so deal with it. Ewan McGregor is cool as hell.


I definitely don't watch television here, as it basically consists of people (celebrities) sitting around in a studio, laughing like drains at things that I have slowly come to realise are appallingly uninteresting.I like South Park, The Family Guy, Peep Show, Futurama, Trigger Happyooh ooh ooh don't forget Spaced that is probably the best show ever.


I like them. I think they're good.


That guy in 24 who crashed that nuclear bomb into the mojave desert. That was some heroic shit.

My Blog


Are all the silk garments in the world made from silk produced by silkworms? As I sit here in my silk smoking jacket, toying with my silk cravatte, I begin to worry about the working conditions these ...
Posted by Pete on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 11:50:00 PST