Baby Norel profile picture

Baby Norel

I am here for Friends

My Interests


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Norel's Military Dolls

I'm proud to be a Military Wife!
Support our Troops!
Support LOVE
My favorite color is PURPLE!
I love to laugh.
I don't sleep
I'm a good friend; very giving... But, stab me in the back, you'll wish you never met me! Isn't that right, Glo?
I'm addicted to smilies!
I luv my 07 Chevy Tahoe
My birthday is a BIG DEAL
My cell phone is the NEW Samsung u740 & I can't live without it! It's sooo pretty!!
I'm ALWAYS taking pictures.
I LOVE my computer! My free time is spent on it!
I have a large purse collection. LV & Coach are among my favorites!
Go Yankees!
I write in my diary every night.
We own a house in tornado alley in Oklahoma... Scary!
MySpace is my newest indulgence!
I lived in Oklahoma!! Can you believe it?!?
I'm a lefty & so is my husband!
Ladybugs remind me of Thea.
I can talk on the phone to my family & friends for HOURS!
Chinese food is my favorite!
I HATE sushi!
I eat my waffles with butter only! I don't like syrup or jams!
I have a very short temper! I think it's the Puerto Rican in me!
Go San Antonio Spurs!
I have an iPod, but I NEVER use it. ROFL...
I believe in aliens
I HATE to go food shopping!
I drink water all day long! I love it!
Christmas is my favorite holiday!
I've been creating with PSP for 6 years now!
I co-own a yahoo group called ::Military Wives Creations::
I quit smoking AND drinking 7 years ago & I've never looked back!
I cut my own hair.
Roque loves his San Antonio Spurs & pigs!
My brother is a college graduate!
My mother collects angels & Betty Boop
My father has looked for four leaf clovers his whole life!

I'm Norel & I'm happily married! I'm Puerto Rican, originally from Staten Island, New York & it's sooo good to be back home after being stationed in Iceland for 3 years! It was absolutely beautiful there, but I missed the States dearly!

We desperately want a baby! I'm so MADLY in love with my husband! He's so wonderful & caring & I don't know what I would ever do without him! He's got a wonderful sense of humor, he's kind hearted, soft spoken & I JUST LOVE his crooked smile! He's my best friend! On top of which, he spoils me rotten! Not once, in all the years we've been married, has he said no to something I've wanted!

Roque's in the Navy & I'm so proud of him! He's a Petty Officer 2nd Class. He LOVES his job & he's very good at it! Six NAM's can't be wrong!

We just bought our first home October of '06! It's a small 3 bed, 2 bath, but it's just perfect for us right now!

I got a puppy last Christmas! His name is Manu Ginobili. He's named after MY favorite basketball player on MY HUSBAND'S favorite team, the Spurs! Manu is 1/2 Lhasa Apso and 1/2 Shih Tzu, but I shave him so close that he looks more like a pug now! He's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Feel free to take a look at him in my pictures section.

My hobby is collecting PEZ Dispensers. We're, actually, called PEZ Heads! They're colorful & cheerful & so much fun! I have about 1,000 of them so far!

I've met some talented ladies online! I know what you're thinking... "Internet friends? Yea right!" But the handful of Military Wives I'm talking about, I have known for Y-E-A-R-S & I love them to death! ::Stefanie, Thea, AmyLynn, Cherry, Britt, Jasmine::

Shoutouts to my Military Husbands too! ::Joe, Brian, Danny, Reggie::

R.I.P. Lisandro & Tio Nel. I will love you forever!

Yes, I'm in luv with Milo Ventimiglia

I usually don't accept requests from people I don't know AND I don't KEEP friends who don't stop by my page once in a while to leave me a message!
Yes, I made my page myself and, No, I will not make you one, so please don't ask!

My Blog

I got tagged!

Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag, listing their names; don't forg...
Posted by Baby Norel on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:33:00 PST

F@%ing thieves!

Some of you already know, but most of you don't, that our truck was broken into the other day!  Can you believe it!?  Right in front of my mom's house!  It's so crazy!  This is a g...
Posted by Baby Norel on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 04:26:00 PST

Window Decals

awwww...  look at how cuuute!i ordered them online!  i got one for roque too!    ...
Posted by Baby Norel on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 06:43:00 PST

Early birthday present!

Roque got me a new truck!  Holy cow!  A 2007 Tahoe!  We traded in my 2003 model to get it!  I'm sooo excited!  It's so pretty and now I have to go through the same steps to pu...
Posted by Baby Norel on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:07:00 PST

My favorite comedian, Eddie Izzard

clips from his 'dressed to kill' specialthis first clip is my absolute favorite of the whole special! the last bit especially!FUNNY!!some from other specialsok that's it! i won't subject u guys to an...
Posted by Baby Norel on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:58:00 PST

Roque's Newest Toy

it plays DVD's and music videos & he has his ipod attached to it also!  it was a good chunk of change, but he deserves it!  he does sooo much for me!!  plus i feel bad cuz i got&n...
Posted by Baby Norel on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:19:00 PST

Roque's New Computer

How cute is this?!?  It's a Sony Vaio!  Now i'll be able to keep in touch with everyone during our drive from New York to Oklahoma! Plus it has a web cam and instead of having to type in ...
Posted by Baby Norel on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:31:00 PST

Living room's all packed!

...BEFORE... ...AFTER...  ...
Posted by Baby Norel on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:42:00 PST

Counting since Joe's been gone...

Posted by Baby Norel on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 09:06:00 PST

Military Spouses

Other spouses get married and look forward to building equity in a home and putting down family roots. Military spouses get married and know they'll live in base housing or rent, and their roots mus...
Posted by Baby Norel on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:59:00 PST