Monica is my MyTwin
I'm not that cool.
I like music. A lot. It's my life.
I was uncool before it was cool to be uncool.
Don't worry, I don't feel much.
I have a thing for piano players.
And I have a big thing for hands.
And backs.
I'm a freak.
I've got some pretty cool kids in my family.
Sometimes I speak in tongues.
But that's only cause my sister taught me fake words when I was a baby.
I'm very quiet.
I'm the life of the party as long as I'm not sober.
I'm always too scared to tell people when I like them.
I like to kiss girls... and sometimes boys.
I definitely like girls better.
If you meet me you're not going to want to hang out with me anymore.
I'm fucking weird.
I love candy.
I'm a closet geek but I'm not ashamed.
I'm most alive in the early morning.
Sometimes I feel uncomfortable in man-made structures.
All I want to do is sing and play piano.
I contradict myself.
I get upset when people I like go out with other people but it's my own damn fault for not saying or doing anything.
You may not realize it, but my artwork is everywhere.
You are my artwork.
I dabble in doodling.