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whats your theme song?(pics)
bad touch by Bloodhound Gang
Sex is your life. Your one horny kid! Have fun, just dont be stupid!! Safe sex is the way to go! lol
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which member of SLipKnoT are you?
Sid Wilson
You are pretty insane ! you love fire and jungle music or rave music! you do all kinds fo crazy stuff just cause you can...or think you can......and nobody fucks with you despite your size
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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98.00% Hotness Level
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What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
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93.00% Flirting Skill Level
79.00% Kissing Skill Level
80.00% Cuddling Skill Level
100.00% Sex Skill Level
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??Which colour of Death is yours??
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Sensitivity- Your inner power is
Sensitivity! You are true to your heart, and
probably a hopeless romantic. Everyone loves
you for your gentle ways and kind words, and
you are brilliant with animals and young
children. Youre very sweet and caring, and
you have friends who love you, who are always
there to support you and hold you when your
fragile heart is broken. You are most likely
often found daydreaming about your life and
your future, and you have a talent for
dealing with kids, all of which adore you,
even if youve only been around them for five
minutes. Youre the one your friends turn to
when they need a shoulder to cry on, and a
kind word to get them smiling again. You are
shy, lovable, compassionate, and seek to make
the world a better place. You will go far in
life for sure. You go girl!
Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet:
The romantic, sweet guy/girl that every girl
dreams of at some stage in their life. You
just love the way he/she treats you as you
are the most precious, important girl in the
world, and the way you know hell/shell never
cheat on you.
Your stone/jewel: Calcite
Your power: Love. You can make the most
revengeful person mellow, and have a talent
for being a brilliant match maker.
Your element: Earth
A quote that applies to you: "When
you step to the ledge of all the light you
have left, and you take that first step into
the darkness of the unknown, you might
believe one of two things will happen. There
will be something solid for you step upon, or
you will learn how to fly."
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
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The Dagger- You're a sadistic fighter, who never
confronts your opponent face to face. You
only attack vital points, and enjoy the sight
on blood.
What Weapon Would You Use?(Pics!)
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Curious Faerie
You are the Curious Faerie. You're always wondering
what's going to happen next, what's happened
before, that sometimes you miss what's going
on now. You can almost always be found with
your nose deep inside your latest book.Wings: Black and dark blue
Power: Knowledge
Sexual appeal: You are a bookworm; sometimes
obsessively. But luckily for you, many guys
think this is very cute seeing as you can
sometimes be oblivious to what's going on
around you when you're wrapped up in a book.
Just don't let him talk you into doing his
homework for him.
What you look for in a guy: You aren't
really picky about what guy you have. You
want to discover as much about him as you
possibly can; no matter who your man is, as
long as he respects you, you will definitely
be a very close couple.
What kind of Dark Faerie are You? (Girls only with beautiful pics)
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Your the light/innocent angel! Your favorite thing
to do is watch over people to make sure they
are safe. You love little kids' because they
are so pure to you. Your also a very pure
person, you always believe in what is right
and you always listen to people. You have a
great ammount of friends because of your
kindness and innocence.
Color: White
Flower: Dafidills
Sweets: Cookies
Number: 3
Animal: Dove
Element: Light
What angel represents you? (Breathtaking pics, and long results.)
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The Aloof Cat
You are a person who lacks emotion. It
could be because something utterly
tragic/painful happened to you in the past
and that has made you no longer able to feel
anything. Your heart is scarred with the
remnants of the past or present, and that is
which that makes you like you are now.
Your Quote: "Now I am just a silhouette
down there, a silhouette of a memory of a
solitary night .. nothing more."
.[x]. What's Your Dark Quote? .[x]. [Anime Pictures included]
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Fire Goddess
What Elemental Goddess Are You? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) + Pictures +
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Grey Fairy:-- *EMOTIONAL and DEEP* You are not
dull! You are often sad or emotional but are
a great friend. You are clever and can be
dependable on others for your happiness, but
you are used to being alone and dislike
outsiders/strangers. All though you're plain,
you are truly beautiful on the inside. You
alsways love it when there is a storm:
lightning is very fascinating.
Which Beautiful Fairy Are You?
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Real Guy: Sweet,caring,protector,misunderstood by
many but you're his little angel! He would do
anyting 4 you!
Fantasy Guy: A vampire who don't realy like being a
blood sucking guy but relishes fear at times.
He has that dark side but you love that and
his soft side is gr8 too.
Kiss:long,deep,passionate. You neva want it to end
you feel safe.
Date:A walk through a silent but beautiful park
filled with flowers esp. roses! Lying under a
tree watching the sunset.
Your love will flourish through all the problems
you encounter and the passion should neva
What Guy and Love are You Destined For? Anime pics now!(Girls) Lots of results!
brought to you by Quizilla
You want a Beautiful love, soft
but passionate. You are probably very old
fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude
people, wolf whistles are to you only
dis-respective and immature. You love nature
and everything beautiful in life. You will
fall for a guy that makes you forget about
the rest of the world.
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars?
*cough*rate*cough* ^^
Take the quiz:
What Angel Are You?
Fire Angel
Hee Hee hello friend, you share domain, for i'm a Fire angel as well, but anyways ...You are a fire take only a little effort on somone's part, or a well placed comment to stoak our anger up.Not many animals like to get really close to fire, but Salamanders and Dragons love us to pieces.We like warm, and hot colours, like Reds and Oranges, pinks somtimes.We can also be enormous flirts, although I deny outright that I flirt at all.Fire tends to be more mature and other angels, since we know the dangers overplayfulness can cause.but if we are around the correct Sister, we can be talked and prodded into outragious funtimes :D
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What Alcoholic drink are you
mixed drink
you have a nice drink after a hard days work with your co-workers
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!..
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Law & Order, Charmed, Judging Amy, The Closer.
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B Bright
R Revolutionary
A Arty
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