Rain Boats profile picture

Rain Boats

About Me

Came around in the spring green then went to kentuky and worked my way back and then colleged for awhile and now currently Chicagoing a bit. Propably won't ever really play with anyone listening exactly, but I might stare at the insides of my eyelids while others conversate in various degrees of importance. And then I'll do that too when some one else sings their songs that they may or may not think are mysterious enough to be either enjoyed, cleverly mocked, liked because of their very unlikableness, or just silently shuddered at. And there will be this band that comes together like a bunch of chosen ones and we will have various stages of balding heads and hairlines, and we might be fun to listen to (this is what we hope for), and we will get along like brothers and sisters or maybe we will be brothers and sisters to begin with and then get along like old friends who you don't even really have to talk to about things too much to know whats going on, or perhaps things will go like that for awhile until we can't afford a practice space and no longer feel any electricity moving between us (this is propably what would happen) and begin to secret our inner songs away for different ears, taking years to get back to a point where the music comes out of the head and fingertips again. Then the only audience will be the young children who we watch over during the days and they have no qualms discussing which songs are enjoyable and which ones they don't like so much. Usually a child can be won over with a jubilent hey-hey bridge that happens not too late in the song. Clapping is always good for children and adults too. Then once we have our mysteries in place we will come out of our big artistic cave and venture to a slightly more open area of detatchment and put little strange songs on the internet and ponder what that will likely bring about. Then we will maybe go back to college when we're obviously to old for it and we'll be the slightly too old strange guy who is just a little bit too serious and kind of a drag to have in class. And every now and then we can go to the side room and record a song or two that maybe friends and family will listen to once when they first notice it. And it can be something you explain to children that you used to do and dream about before you got your head straight and got a steady job. And they'll wonder what other things you did when you where young and much more interesting than now. And maybe by the time we are all old old and far past receding hairlines and worrying about joints and their varying degress of flexability and maybe the oil is all gone and only extremely rich men drive gasoline cars as the new version of lighting a cigarette with a hundred dollar bill , and all the small island nations of the world have been drowned by the rising seas, and the US has spread more and more freedom to the various lands that are just begging for it, the band will die without proper medical care, without ever being named. But amazingly thousands of years later our tombs will be discorvered, our ipods laying in the urns with our ashes, and aliens will learn of our lives and loves through these little songs and begin to reassemble our DNA from the ashes and bring us a spaceship named by Andrew called the BLUE OSIRIS, and we will spread our songs of love, joy, and hope to all the constellations.
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My Interests


Member Since: 13/02/2006
Band Members: Myself, with help from brothers Andrew, and Peter, sisters Addie, and Anna, Mom, the Twins Dewey, and Dempsey, and Mr. Million Billion himself Ryan Smith on the little blue drum.
Influences: Hope To create music without thinking, without wondering about the apparent goodness of it. Want to make it as if I was a kid again but could somehow play instruments real sweetly, and my main obsessions were still how many caterpillars I could fit in an ice cream bucket in one day, or if these tadpols would ever turn into frogs instead of turning translucent while refusing to eat the iceberg lettuce and eventually dying in an ice cream bucket.If Bands were mentioned these would work. Kinks, Donovan, Devendra Banhart, Vetiver, The Animals, Animal Collective, The Turtles, Ramona Cordova, John Cale, Nillson, Sparks, Sam Cooke, Bill Fay, Procol Harum, Electric Light Orchestra, Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark, Tyler Ensrude, Lou Christie, Hawkwind, Klaatu, Firefalls, Emitt Rhodes, Tomorrow, Keith West, West coast Pop Art Experimental Band, The Idle Race, Skip Bifferty, Smog, Tony Caro and John, Peter Bjorn and John, Zoot.
Sounds Like: Nobody has told me yet.
Record Label: none

My Blog

new song

Hey hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I've posted a new song. It's the first one in which I've used my new reverb processor. I may have gone overboard, but sometimes that's fun too. I'm no...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:46:00 GMT

revamped myspace, it can happen to you too

Hello to all,I'm taking this moment to let you know I have hopefully figured out how to snazz up the old digs a little bit and appearing shortly as my background will the be the winning entrant in a l...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 20:12:00 GMT

what do you do when you spend your adult life collecting things you wished for as a child?

Hey I've spent all the years of this blunderous new millenium avoiding ebay, Amazon, Friendster, and Myspace.  Then I realized my entire fam minus the parents were doing this Myspace thing, and a...
Posted by on Tue, 09 May 2006 18:52:00 GMT