[Urban]Bohemian profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Don't Die

The Goods

***I live my life by two rules***
1.) Don't be a sucker
2.) Don't take no sh*t from nobody
***THE END***

I came to this world with nothing, and I'll leave with nothing but love... Everything else is just borrowed
~Mike Skinner


MyScreenName... Talk it up!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Those who inspire the love and passion in all of us. Those who believe in solidarity for all. Those who push us to be better today than we were yesterday. Those who will always continue to question.
Festival Folk
KIND people
Animal lovers
And people who don't mind my foul mouth... It can get pretty dirty.

My Blog

I never thought my memory of what we had could be intruded

Now its not hard to understandwhy we just speak at nightThe only time I hold your handis to get the angle rightEverything is slowing downriver of no returnyou recognise my every soundtheres nothing ne...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 19:50:00 GMT

The Joys of 2nd Shift....

I'm sitting here waiting to go to work....I feel like all I do is wait for/dread work.2nd shift blows like no other.I never know if I'm going to get yelled at or not when I walk in the door, which per...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 10:40:00 GMT

I don't have any fight left in me

First issue of business:I was in the hospital over this past weekend.... Most of the night on Friday into the wee hours of Saturday. Major abdominal pain accompanied with a few other symptoms I would...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:12:00 GMT

Isn't It Great...

When both your boss and your bf are acting like insensitive a$$holes?! I'm sorry that I have physical and emotional pain in my life... So sue me!   WTF?!   T
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 16:35:00 GMT

The only thing that is constant is change...

I'm changing, constantly evolving.Yet all I feel is fear...I just want things to be the way they used to beI just want to hold on to it all....I'm worried
Posted by on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 23:16:00 GMT

Before The Music Dies

Before the Music Dies - Trailer #1 Made by Austin filmmakers Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen, BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES tells the story of how the music industry has abandoned both artists and ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 11:15:00 GMT

Of course it would be blue...

Your Aura is BlueYour Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and thi...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 21:41:00 GMT

Just a Thought...

Ok, so I like hugs. If you know me, you know I give hugs to everyone, even if I just meet a person I like to hug them.One of my favorite musicians said that the great thing about hugs is it's two peo...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:10:00 GMT

Maaaaad Love!

My love is the bestest! He's in the kitchen cooking a delicious meal for me RIGHT NOW! :) He treats me like a queen, what more could I ask for?He's the most amazing man ever.... You only wish you co...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:18:00 GMT

I tend to be sentimental...

So today is my last day at Katz. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Maybe a little of both. So much has happened to me since I've been there and I've made soooo many friends. I guess it's ju...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 07:29:00 GMT