I'd like to meet:
What happened??? Last I remember, I was in graduate school, going to see friends on weekend trips, and looking forward to owning my own home. Then I wake up one day, and all my friends are married (with kids). How did that happen?It's been so cool to catch up with old friends that I haven't talked to in years, but I am also enjoying meeting new people here, too. If you can relate to what I said above, email me. Happy to meet new people to hang out, whether it be going to a Phillies' game, playing volleyball, or catching a movie.
Buffett, Social Distortion, (that's kind a weird mix, but that's me) just about anything except Opera
Animal House and Old School. After that? Reservoir Dogs and True Romance
The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Apprentice, and yes, HGTV
Does Sports Illustrated count?
Didn't think of someone the first time I made this page, but then I realized my sister, Sandra, lives on in my mind and heart as my "hero." She has been and continues to be an inspiration to me in how to live life. I love you, Sandra. I wish you were still here.