WHO AM I? im ladyj n dat name stays...madame zoe...chau...aka mz.chanel charleston
WHY THESE HOES DNT LIKE U? dey no im da best wife my ex husband eva had.dey no im still#1 so dey classify me as a threat
WHO DNT LIKE U? dees hoes dat live for fayfay...yall hoez dnt worry i wnt bite..yall can have him he's a free agent but b careful cuz afta me he stop loven now he's snacken yall pett'tes
FLAW OR REAL? im flaw as hell wen it cums ta nigga but im da realest bitch you'll eva run into
WHO MAKES U SMILE? j baby...
WHO DO U FEAR? no one but jesus
CURRENT LOCATION? da circle bitch!!
DO U HAVE A REAL AZZ NIGGA? realer den all dees fuck niggas
ARE U FRIENDLY? i guess....only if i like ya if i dnt i aint gon b fake ima put my hata blockas on n keep it moven
WHO U MAKE MOVES WIT? my cuzzo baby,e,baby doll n my squad IG first finest
WHAT U RATHER 4 UR DUDE 2 ROLL WIT TROJANS OR MAGNUMS it dnt matta cuz i aint fucken
DO U BELIEVE IN URSELF? damn right i've ben told ta im concieted but naw im convinced
ARE U CURRENTLY IN LOVE? not no mor but i still got luv for ya dieuphen r sud i say fayfay u still my first luv
WHAT U WISH 4? i wish happyness for all my goons
WHO DO U HATE? no hatred n dis heart
WHAT U DO 4 DUMB AZZ HOEZ? i smile n wave
DO U FEEL UR DUDE IS TRICKEN? naw....he betta not
WHAT DO U HAVE? i have everytang i want
WHAT DO U REGRET? no regret jus lessons learned from all my mistakes
WHO ARE UR BEST FRIENDS? dnt have one all my goons r my heart
WHAT DO U WEAR? clothes duh!
WHAT KIND OF SHOES U WEAR? i rock my playboy bunnys
DO U FEEL U GOT HATAZ EVERYWHERE? i believe so but i dnt care
DO U LET THESE HOES WORRY U? neva i care bout dees hoez always i live my life
WHEN THE LAST TIME U SEEN UR DUDE? damn its been a while
WHAT'S UR FAVORITE PHRASE? dont do me bi!!!
WHAT SHOULD U DO 4 A FUCK HOE? shit...fuck dem hoes im too busy doin me ta worry bout squares
i wanna meet all my old friends
Myspace Tracker
Nosy Survey:
1. Who's bed did you sleep in last night? da hotel bed n orlando
2. What time did you wake up? lyk ten
3. What was the first thing you did this morning? brush my teeth
4. What was the last thing you did last night washd all dat spirtz out my hair
5. Where are you? down in da circle wer da ballers ball
6. Who are you with? myself
7. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? naw
8. Look at your cell phone, who is the forth missed call from? rosemita
9. Who sent you the last text message? l'boogs
10. What about the third one down in your inbox? my boo jeff r sud i say j baby
11. Do you love anyone right now? well yeh my ex husband fay
12. Do you have a crush on anybody? naw
The Past Round
13. Have you ever told anyone you loved them? yeh my ex husband fay
14. Have you ever been truly loved back? yeh...shit wudnt no nigga dat giv all his tyme ta u not luv ya
15. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 17
16. How old were you when you lost your virginity? ....................
17. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn't? yep...lyk i said im reckless im always always stunten
18. Ever been beaten up? naw i do everytang n my power not to even if i hav ta kill a bitch
19. Ever been to jail? almost
20. Ever had a one night stand? naaww i aint no bauz
21. Ever flashed anyone? im reckless so of course
22. Ever thrown up in public? yup
23. What about passed out because of alcohol? naw im lyk a nigga i hold dat oil real good..i challenge all dees niggas
24. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? damn i wanna go bac ta orlando
The Future Round
25. Wanna get married? not really
26. How many kids do you want? 4
27. How many wives/husbands do you want? nun
28. Want sex? naw im straight ...fucken aint for everybody
29. Would you make a good mom/dad? da perfect mother n also the definetion of a real wife
30. Would you take a bullet for anyone? yeh i love my bitches...n all my bitches love me
31. Where would you like to live? orlando
32. What kind of house would you like? condo
33. What do you want to be when you grow up? a juvenile probation officer..a fashion designer a re-estate agent n etc.......
34. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? i see my self n my own houz wit my two cars n in school for mor education
35. Wher do you see your self in 10 years? rich bitch
36. Do you plan on telling your boss to shove it any time soon? nawww
The Myspace Round
37. Look at your top friends... who is number one? jubbie
38. Why is he/she number one? dats my big sis
39. Ever kissed anyone on your myspace friends list? naw
40. Ever seen any of them naked? only my cuzzo's wen we was gits
41. Who was the last person to leave you a comment? a stranga
42. Are you good friends with him/her? naw
43. How often do you log in to myspace? once n a while i dnt live 4 myspace
44. Do you get excited by new comments/picture comments? sum times
45. How many pictures do you currently have on your pics page? alot.... check em out
46. Ever have sex with someone on your top 8? hell naw
47. How many top friends do you have? 24
48. Who is the last person on your top friends my peoples
49. Would you ever date them? naw
50. What's the last blog on your page about? ?????
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com