music, movies, reading, MTG, girls who love metal, anti religion, quantum physics, history, mythology, folklore
people with similar interests
Black Metal/NSBM/Death Metal/Doom in no particular order Gates of ishtar, Immortal, Emperor, Bathory, Sargeist, Graveland, Moonblood, Nehemah, Krieg, Nargaroth, Horna, Nokturnal Mortum, Clandestine blaze, Abigor, Burzum, Thy Serpent, Gehenna, Svartahrid, Death, Urgehal, Sterbend, Mayhem, Lucifugum, Gottlos, Weakling, Dark throne, Ulver, Xasthur, Seigneur Voland, Besatt, SunnO))), Ahab, Beherit, Strid, Mork Gryning, Sin origin, Drudkh, Havohej, Setherial, Dawn, Enthroned, Leviathan, Dark Funeral, (old) Satyricon, Radigost, Dimmu Borgir, OMC, Nyktalgia, Marblebog, Watain, Mutiilation, Absurd, Windir, Tsjunder, Cirith gorgor, Setherial, Azure, Noctes, Sigh, Vlad Tepes, Satanic Warmaster, Thyrane, Dissection, Venom, (early) Behemoth, Horn of valere, Wyrd, Thy Primordial, Judas iscariot, Bal Sagoth, Viking crown, Silencer, Diagnose Lebensgefahr, Gorgoroth, Norther, Isengard, Craft, Summoning, Pest-(Swe&Fin), Infernum, Abruptum, Dark fortress, Atheist, Carpathian forest, Gwar, Cannibal corpse, Seducer's embrace Dismembered fetus, Mortician, Nile, Judas priest, Megadeth, Deeds of flesh, Misfits, Exhumed.... and so on
Casino, Office Space, Goodfellas, Most of Tarantinos library, John waters stuff, Ichi the killer, Audtion, Visitor Q, Murder set pieces, Halloween, TCM, Dead alive and so on, too many to list.
Seinfeld, Ren & Stimpy, Survivor Man, Planet Earth, Travel/Science/Discovery/History channels
Lords of chaos, The hobbit, Hitchhikers guide series, LOTR trilogy, Satanic bible, Conspiracy books
Chuck Schulinder, Shatraug, Hendrix, Tarantino, Scorsese, Takashi Miike, Nick Palumbo