Here's to all the good and shitty times in Murray . . .These are my toys . . . what your looking at is a 1957 COLT .22 MAG I inherited from my grandfather, a small silver Pheonix .22 targeting pistal (Krystal's) and yes my fav, a brand new CZ 100 Police issue .40 Cal (laser sight coming soon) . . .. . . and here we have the most important item in our house besides my son . . . well I guess Krystal is included in this list; my Fender and Ibanez acoustics.
Edward Alfonze, so that he could teach me all the secrets to Alchemy; My grandfather Jim Beeler, to teach me target shooting the way he did; and George Bush, so that I could kick his ever loving, ree-reed redneck ass for his half thought, gung ho, dumb shit solutions for ending the war by sending more fucking troops . . . . yeah, that took a lot of brains, just goes to show you anyone can be president. I'm willing to bet his father is very proud . . .
Music Video Codes By Music
Donnie Darko is still my fav movie but there are a few more that deserve mentioning such as the Boondock Saints, (thanks Murray) and lets not forget the first edgy movie I ever remember seeing as an adolescent . . . Pump Up the Volumn with Christian Slater, I must have watched that movie until it wouldn't play.
Showing much love to my show "The Shield", also enjoying Robot Chicken, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Samuri Shamploo, and Family Guy. (I also watch a lot of the Weather Channel)
Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Gary Paulson, i'll read anything by these authors. Currently working on owning every Wolverine comic I can get my hands on.
Krystal, you are my hero. Corny as this may sound at the moment I do appreciate staying at home and taking care of our son. Honestly I wasn't sure I could trust you with such a responsibility but everyday gets better. The house is cleaner, Zackery is happier, even the animals seem to listen more when your around. I know it's hard but hang in there baby i'm doing everything I possibly can to make our situation better. I know it's getting harder, i'm working more, school is just around the corner but it will all pay off just keep patience and the pay off in mind and me in your heart . . . I love you.