*LiNA* while your a statistic im standing out!! profile picture

*LiNA* while your a statistic im standing out!!

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator..

My Interests

..i have a smile that'll make your day brighter......an attitude that will keep you going....a heart that wont stop loving....and a personality that is one of a kind!! my kc...even though your off to college ..things arent gonna change my love!! ...me and you have been through it all! fun times...drunk times...drama times...down right hilarious times....i love u to death and no one will ever ever replace you!!...your my heart & my SUNSHiNE!! ...trust ima be buggin u in so-cal! ... "thE HUbbY!"

I'd like to meet:

[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Maker*]SPRinG BREAk"07 roSAriTO MExiCO!!my rOciO!*...just a little note about me...most of u that already know me ..now im an open book....im a very friendly ..social ...kinda girl...i get along with just about anyone!...*I enjoy spending my time with my family ...and close friends...on the weekends im always up for a club or bar ....I CAN MAKE THE BEST OF ANYTHING!...*i am a very positive person and dont like hanging around with anyone that isn't bringing sumthing positive to my life...* u are who u associate yourself with * i have a winning attitude and i refuse to settle for less!*...MY HErO in life would have to be my daddy.. ...he pushes me to succeed and believes in everything i do!...i may have only one parent but he is incredible!...i couldnt ask for a better role-model...he's taught me how to keep GOD first...put others before yourself...and never give up...daddy u are mi corazon!*YES IM SPOILED and ? lol....quit complaining bout yur lyfestyle and hating me for mine!THE FAmiLY!


...let the past go...grab onto the future...grow and learn from mistakes...never let anyone affect your happiness....love u for u...and surround yourself with people that do the same...keep high standards and people will meet them...those that dont aren't worth ur time...dont give ur love or trust away ...find someone that will earn both and cherish them....be yourself and never change who u are or what u feel for anyone....- lina


! MUSic ! im PREtty DiVErse when iT comEs to MUSic...i ListEN toO EVerYthing FrOM HypHy BAy stuFF - RocK - ALTERnatiVE - RAp - R&B- Old schOOL- Oldies - mExican mUsic - SALSa - REGgAetON - ...my fAVoRites right now ArE "panic at the disco" + "the FRAY" + "faLL oUt BoY" + thE PAcK + 2shoRT + ALL tHE hyphY BAY ArtiSts.... -MOviES- mY ALL timE FAVORiTE moVie wOuld have toO be "BLOW"...afTEr thAT SUm OF my FAVs are CASiNO / bROnx TALe / OLD schOOL / TRAFFic / CRASH / CRAnK/ TALEDEGA niGhtS / MEAN giRLS / ..pretty Much anything That FuNNY! -TELEviSioN- well im pREtty mUCh a gEEK so i LiKE watCHing STuFF LikE "passpORt to EuRopE" * CSi miAmi * LAW& ORdeR *"A&E forensic fiLEs" * The HiSTORy ChanNEL * bUT i LOVE "FLavOr oF LoVE"! * FABOULoUs LiFE of.." *"giRls NExt DOOR" * ANd MunDOs! lol....


MY FAMiLY! my brothers *& sisters! my DADdY!


My Blog


fill this out if yu love me! lol 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. What's my favortie color?5. Can I come to you with all my problems? 6. Give me a nicknam...
Posted by +*LINA*+.-that one girl u wish u could be! on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:30:00 PST