Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> profile picture

Queen of Keepin it Reel!&lt;TLC approved&gt;&gt;

Swagg sckool Iz now in session!!

About Me

I like chillin and havin fun. I'm a down to earth girl, that keeps it gansta 24-7, I don't really fuc wit 2 many ppl(male or female) mainly b/c ain't no body real des dayz. They all mostly on dat fraud shit that I aint got time 4! But I cut fa those few that I am ckool Wit I graduated from Humble High School in 06 BABY and now im at UT in Arlington gettin closer & closer from graduatin here! :) But to some it up, im a cool, gutta, real, funny, smart, outgoing female! Holla @ cha GirlDiz how we get down @ UTA!Me clownin as usual!
../I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I love anything that has to do wit gettin out da house! I love kickin it wit my potnaz, and my fam! Man without them I would be Me! I like hittin up tha movies, and I love dancin too!BOND is LOVE..I waz blessED w/ A grEat family 4m Da Man Above!

I'd like to meet:

Ppl who is outgoing,real, and have their on style! I don't like people who are tryin to be like everybody else, don't change. Put it like dis If we gon be cool, you like me for me, and i'll like you for you! And datz real! Oh yea...and on da famous kick...I wouldnt mind meetin Nelly, BoW WoW, Chris Brown, Trina, or Missy, and Lil Weezy f. Baby! And GOD because he iz a hall of famer and still goin strong!
MySpace Graphics at GlitterBell.com
Valentines Day CommentsAeriale, Me, And ImoryMe, Courtney, and Aeriale
MySpace Graphics at GlitterBell.com
Valentines Day CommentsBrittoni& MeTLC..Not 2 be confused w/ Tender lovin Care!My ace Boon Coons! Love yall
MySpace Graphics at GlitterBell.com
Valentines Day CommentsMy bro CJ!..nuff saidMy cooL peePs! They 2 FlY!


At da moment..Im feelin Lil Wayne and Jeezy on some rap shit... R.Kelly and Avant on that makin babies level... and on some otha shit..Im from tha H (ScenicWood, TX.) so u know im lovin that SwishaHouse Baby!
- Get Your Own
Checkout & Support my boi Elevation AKA Lil Dash!! Da boy is hott..Best believe


All tha Madea plays, All tha Fridays, The color purple, Mablibu's most wanted, All about tha Benjamins, Findin Nemo, Shrek, Don't Be a Menace in South Central While Drinkin Yo Juice in the Hood, and its some mo I jus can't think at tha moments


Real World, American Idol, Bernie Mac Show, Boondocks, College Hill, Family guy, Soul Food, Greys Anatomy, Dancin with the stars, all of BET, and alot more!
*Name: MiChELon
*What Do They Call You & Why: LiL CraZy..b/c I doNt cArE I spEak mY minD whEther It Be nicE, mEan, or StUPid!
*Birthday: 03/19/88
*Job Title: My PAreNTs..lol 4 now at LEaSt..Im LoVED!
*Eye Color: broWn..But TheY turN ligHt browN too!
*Hair Color: sAndy Brown
*3 Words That Describe You: CraZy, YellA, and REAL!
*Your Weakness: DoiN shiT 4 Me and NoT to ProVe a PoinT to evEryone Else!
*Your Biggest Fear: BeiN a FailUre!
*Your Perfect Pizza: Cheesy PepperOni froM PizzA Hut!
*Obsession: ListeNin to MusIc
*Thoughts First Waking Up: ThAnK GOD foR allOwin Me to SeE anothA DAy!
*Your Most Missed Memory: PlayIn AAU w/ Da NorthSide ShakAz!
*Do You Get Motion Sickness: NaW PlayA
*Do You Like Thunderstorms: HeLL Naw..ThunDer ScarEs Me!
*Do You Like Snow: HelL yea
*How Do You Want To Die: MaN..IN my Sleep..BuT hopEfullY no TIme SOon!
*Have You Ever Been Beaten Up: NaW..I beliEve Not..If U thiNk u Can B da 1st Fell Free to RuN up!
*Do You Dance: LovE IT
*Favorite Pasttime: WheN my SistA..DiaMond LiveD wIt mE!
*Do You Want To Have Kids: Yep..2 A boi and GiRL!
*Do You Believe In God: YeS..He Iz my Main MAn!
*Do You Sing: I dO buT LorD knoWs i CanT! lol
*Stick Up For What You Believe In: Yea..AinT no BitCh in MY BlooD!
*Beat The Crap Out Of Someone For Talking Crap To Your Family: DepEndS on Da situAtion!
*Go Skinny Dipping: uummmm..MaybE
*TV Show: Grey's AnatoMy
*Type Of Music: RaP, R&B, BounCe, ScreW
*Clothing Stores: AgaCi, Forever 21, PatriCia
*Ice Cream: CheRRy VaniLLa
*Season: FaLL
*Kind Of Movie: HorRor..BuT im Scary AS hEll!
*Animal: WhiTe TigERs and MonkeYS
*Fruit: StrAwbeRRIes
*Back Roads Or City Streets: CitY strEEts
*First Thing You Notice In a Girl/Guy: ApPEaraNce..haiRcut, clOthes, SWag
*What Do You Expect Out Of A Relationship: Trust, Honesty, and 2 B treated tha way Im suppose 2 B!


It mainly depends on wat tha book is about!


GOD firSt becAuse he has brought ME through stuff nobOdy would ever Believe. he could havE turned his bacK on me But He guidEd Me throught It all. My parents..DespiTe oUr Ups and dowNs They Took CarE of Me and Brought ME UP TO BecOme tha WomAn I aM toDAy, My Me-Ma..SheZ One of A Kind GraNdma And I Love HeR to Death, My Aunts..They Are So Bad Azz..NufF said! And my few friendz that I have..U know we are ride or die..and wheneva yall need somethin hit me up b/c yall know i got yall too..Thats wat TRU friends do fa each otha I will NEVA leave yall hangin! Lastly but Neva least..my sista and my lil brotha CJ.. Man yall are always on my mind! I love yall and thanks for everything!

My Blog


Maybe . . we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting theright one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will knowhow to be grateful for that gift.Maybe . . . when the door o...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:03:00 PST

Niggaz...Fraudness...A waste of Life and time....BLAH

Okay..from da jump Ima throw dis out there so ppl wont have any miscommunications..I aint tryin to rush and hope I fid dat right "one" Im jus throwin out da fraudness dat SUM niggaz have behind them.....
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:58:00 PST

My reAl Peeps

FAKE FRIENDS Never ask for food.REAL FRIENDS are the reason you have no food.FAKE FRIENDS Call your parents Mr/MrsREAL FRIENDS Call your parents DAD/MOMFAKE FRIENDS bail you out of jail and tell you w...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:49:00 PST

And Aint life A biTCh

Man its funny, how a nigga lives life i mean as we know it is full of struggle and strife Ups and downs, crunk and hype Jealousy, foes, friends, and hatin on site. Day to day we ponder on waz up in pl...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

On that othA shit..SamE Shit DiffEreNT Day

Man im really Jus chillin thinkin bout some shit...lol...Nothin big jus some unanswered questions. lol WTF man Somebody tell ya girl how a person can supposedly love u and treat you like "everybody" e...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 10:39:00 PST

HolD on To Wats GooD!

If He OnLy NeW WhAt hE DoEs To Me RyAn iS More ThaN jUst MuH boyfriend, he is my bestfriend. No one has ever made me feel this wayi love him so much............i would write more but there isno words...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:42:00 PST

Shit on my mind!

Man can somebody anybody tell me wat they think:  Okay Is it possible to put too mch into a relationship?  I often think and sleep on this question but I reasoned that you cant..dont get me ...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:04:00 PST


Some ppl call them potnaz, homies, their niggaz, or some orther shit.  But growing up you realize that those you call your friends start to disappear or you start to take some ppl out ur life!&nb...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 07:58:00 PST


The "U" is for the understanding that we have for one another. The "N" is the nourishment we provide for each other. "C" is the comfort that dwells within my heart when ur around. "O" is for overwhemi...
Posted by Queen of Keepin it Reel!<TLC approved>> on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 03:53:00 PST