Info Line: 1-888-AMAZEENWe are a group of pharmacists, nutritionists and scientists with diverse pharmaceutical, medical, homeopathic and nutritional background all working for a common goal to bring out the beauty from within.We have established Ai & Ai Inc. for the purpose of distributing Amazeen, a natural dietary supplement made from plants, minerals and other natural substances that are rich in collagen and anti-oxidants to prevent pre-mature skin aging and promote a smoother and firmer skin. These dietary supplements have been accepted in the United States, Europe and Asia.We identify and select herbs and other natural ingredients then combine them into our products for maximum efficacy. The main active ingredients are identified and monitored for quality assurance using HPLC methods and measured against a predetermined chemical profile pattern that meets the rigid company standards.Ai & Ai Inc. strives to ensure that our products will be most beneficial to everyone.Unlike many topical beauty treatments that just change the outer surface of the skin, AMAZEEN brings out beauty from within by restoring the structure of the skin. This leads to a reduction of lines and wrinkles and a healthy, more youthful appearance.The thick dermis layer of the skin consists of a dense network of collagen and elastin protein fibers. Every day, our skin is exposed to conditions that damage the dermis layer. As we age, our body cannot repair the damage as quickly as in our youth. People who smoke and overexpose themselves to the sun may find that their skin ages more rapidly.Topical creams containing collagen temporarily moisturize dry skin, but they do not treat the underlying problem. Collagen injections can only fill the wrinkles, but they cannot be absorbed through the skin's outer layer. Face lifts combined with collagen injections are painful and can only change the appearance of the treated skin in the short term. AMAZEEN enhances the structure and density of the protein matrix and promotes a true revitalization of the skin.
AMAZEEN contains a unique combination of ingredients that helps rebuild damaged and aging skin. When taken as directed, AMAZEEN provides the nutrients your skin needs to repair itself so that your skin looks healthy, young, and beautiful. Skin is the largest organ in human body in terms of both surface area and weight. It protects the organs and muscle underneath. As we grow older, the blood flow to skin area becomes reduced, the elasticity is decreased and the skin becomes thinner, rough and easily damaged.There are different ways to rejuvenate the skin and slow its process of aging. AMAZEEN is an excellent example of anti-aging solution through nutritional approach for second chance of youth. Among its ingredients, there are collagen, marine protein, royal jelly and antioxidants, such as grape seed, lycopene, isoflavone, etc.
AMAZEEN emphasizes the importance of supplementing our daily intake with needed nutrients for skin's health and vitalization. AMAZEEN helps support the skin structure, reduce wrinkles and strengthen hair and nails. AMAZEEN helps nourish and moisturize the aging skin, increase its elasticity and restore its firmness. The antioxidants within the formulary may also serve to help reduce cancer risk and heart disease. Maintaining a youthful look is everybody's dream, AMAZEEN truly is one of the solutions. OPC , known as antioxidant complex, comes from grape seeds and pine bark. OPC means oligomeric proanthocyanidin, an extremely potent antioxidant compound, helps prevent the oxidation of blood fats and cholesterol. OPC is very important for skin care because it protect collagen from free radicals, dampen inflammation, and helps maintain the health and integrity of your blood vessels.
As time goes by, capillaries and veins become frail and results in a decline in blood circulation. Preserving your blood vessels improves oxygen and food delivery to your skin cells, which then stimulates their growth and repair. OPC also blocks the key enzymes that degrade collagen and other connective tissues.OPCs are in berries, grapes, cherries, and wine. It is the main precursors of the blue-violet and red pigments. Be sure to look for a reddish-purple capsule so that you know you are getting a concentrated natural product.Selenium, found in seafood, fish and shellfish neutralize poisons in your body like mercury and arsenic, protects cells against the effects of free radicals. Selenium is needed for proper immune function.Zinc helps heal wounds, aids your body in maintaining healthy collagen, boosts your energy. It is also a key free radical fighter. Zinc is essential for normal cell division. - Victor Passy, M.D.
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