How foolish would you have to be to ROOT FOR THE OTHER TEAM!!!! Now more than ever is a time to be Rally your wagons round yourselves and be Homogeneous...!!! If you normal people do not SPEAK UP and make a choice now, then it will be made for you!!! Complaining is very Important!!! And I am complaining about you poop-for-brains slackers. If I were still in High school, its a recurring dream, would I check out myspace during study hall or while I was grounded, or WHAT? When do you people have time to Epimp or to Eglitter your space? More to come it just got earased.
MySpaceTV Videos: Angriest Cat in the World by The color of your energy
Its about time we got these Windmills I saw them in Germany all over the place 5 years ago!!!! It take a rich private citizen to DO SOMETHING! Check him out !!