Eating. A lot. Sports. Teaching and Coaching. Board games, Mah-Jong and anything that relates to facts and knowledge. I like dogs a lot too, especially Cuervo, Diesel, Dexter, Fargo, Gidget, Hershey, Red-Dog, and Kona. Well, not really Hershey.
People who like to eat and play Cantonese-style Mah-Jong, the REAL way to play.
Indie Rock, Oldies, Punk, old school gangsta rap, 80's rock, and bits and pieces of everything else.. damn mainstream radio and Zach Braff for popularizing indie rock!! Please New P's never make it big! I've gotten into club hip-hop and Brazilian funk lately. Rio Baile, LCD Soundsystem, M.I.A., and Tigarah KICK ASS! Appetite for Destruction: 20 years and still awesome; Slash kicks ass
Good Burger... although I hope Hollywood one day makes the movie, Give Me My Sammich: The Jared Fogle Story (Did you know Fogle used to basically run a porn rental out of his apartment when he was a tub of lard? He apparently only went to Subway because he was so lazy and it was on the first floor of his apartment building. To think, now he's making bank off of Subway.)
Entourage, 24, Seinfeld, Simpsons, History Channel, Military Channel, anything about World War II, Jeopardy, American Idol, Dirty Jobs, Modern Marvels, Mythbusters, the Planet Earth series, NFL games, Cardinals baseball games, and Subway commercials that feature Jared Fogle (he's really tall!)
Books about Asian-American issues, World War II, history, and any full of factual knowledge. Also encyclopedias, the Harry Pothead series, and books by Asian-American authors. I also try to get in some good fiction here and there.
Spider-man, Colossus, Dennis Rodman, and Jared Fogle