action jackson (shs 2-1 son) profile picture

action jackson (shs 2-1 son)

any can get knocked out.. the true test is getting up

About Me

william luke jackson --
Insatiable to the point of crazy
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What Kind of Chevy Should You be Rollin' in?

This fast sports car is your Chevy. You drive around showing it off and speeding up and down the street.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Shit About You
*The Basics*
Name---: william luke (action)jackson
Age---: 16
Birthday---: SEPTEMBER 27
Height---: 5'9"
Weight---: 193 (i got some fat but mostly muscle)
School/grade---: shs sophmore
Righty/lefty---: righty
Hair color---: bronwn
Eye color---: brown
Skin color---: im pretty tan for this time of year but im a honkey
Heritage/nationality---: ok here we go.... english welsch german and native american... that wasnt bad but my ancestors fucked a lota ppl
Screen name---: only the diserving should know that one
*Your Favorite*
Color---: blue
Movie---: im gonna have to go with taladega nights or crank
Band---: dont have one
Song---: highway man- johny cash
Type of music---: rock of ne kind
Season---: fall
Book---: remnants
Magazine---: xbox mag
TV Show---: simpsons or family guy
Drink---: alcaholic.. tonic vodka granadine/ lime i call it... the drink action jackson drinks but non alcaholic would have to be dr. pepper
Thing to wear---: im not gonna like im a big fan of overly sized thin sweatshirts that really rnt sweatshirts and my favorite pair of pj's
Shoes---: ne high top ( i got weak ankles)
*Your Friends*
Best friend(s)---: daine, jack, and irwin
Knows the most about you---: they all know quite a bit
Funniest---: irwin
Known the longest---: daine
Best for advice---: irwin or daine
Trustworthy---: they all r pretty trust worthy
Hang out with the most---: all
Weirdest---: irwin
Most like you---: jack
Most athletic---: daine
Shoulder to cry on---: i think i could cry with ne one of them
*You && Love*
Orientation---: srtaight
Are you in a relationship---: sadly not
With who---: no1
Are you in love---: i dont think so
Do you have a crush on anyone---: i do
Ever been cheated on---: LSD is a bitch
Ever cheat on someone---: i got high and thought i did and ruined something great
Ever been close to love before---: yea i was pretty much there
*The First*
Best friend---: daine
Screen name---: I147852963 all the ones i wanted were take so i just started hitting numbers
School---: dubois
Crush---: couldnt tell ya
Kiss---: dido
Love---: clasified
Pet's name---: T.J. and tho he is lymp he will kick ur dogs ASS
* The Last*
Thing you drank---: DR pepper
Movie you watched---: taladega nights
Song you listened to---: unholy confessions
Phone call---: uuhh jack i think...idk it was one of my shoulders to cry on
Text message---: uuuhhh i erase all my text messages for fear that a parent might get ahold of my fone
Person that told you "I love you"---: couldnt tell ya
Person you thought about---: my dad
*Pick one*
Short/pants---: baggy shorts (baggy just below the knees not down to my ankles like those high waters guys r tryin to pass of ass manly
Books/movies---: movies
Night/day---: depends
Snow/sun---: snow
Guys/girls---: depends if im tryin to get some or not
Rock/rap---: rock (better driving music)
Showers/baths---: baths r fantastic for broken bones and illnesses but when i dont have nething wrong with me i will take a shower
*Have You Ever*
Been arrested---: thanks matt
Been on a blind date---: no
Been out of the country---: yusur
Smoked or tryed---: last time i did it was over a year ago and i did something i shouldnt have and i still regret it today
Had a hangover---: wow that was a bad day of school
Fallen for a neighbor---: no
Fallen for a best friend---: yea but i picked myself back up oretty fast
Stayed up all night---: i have
Had someone of the opposite sex sleepover---: very fun nights
*For or Against*
Gay marriage---: if they wanna do it and it makes them happy then let them
Abortion---: if its for the right reasons but if ur a whore that just doesnt want to have a baby then no u shouldnt be alowed to have one done
Bush as president---: i cant bash him to much cuz im not in his shoes but yea......he's definatly retarded
Suicide---: they r missunderstood but many of them r just cowards
War---: depnds what its for.... iraq was a retarded decision
*Do You Believe In..*
God---: yes
Organized religion---: no they r retarded
Love at first sight---: no
Soulmates---: yes
Luck/chance---: yea
Miracles---: if there's no suc thing as miracles then most of my fmily (including me) would be dead right now
*The Future*
Do you want to go to college? Where and for what?---: yea UIC and i wanna be a chef
Want to get married? What age?---: yea when i get outa college
Want kids? How many?---: yea 2-4 but not 3
Where do you want to live?---: in the burns or the country
Where do you want to get married?---: a meningfull place
Future job---: restraunt owner
*Some Random Stuff*
Piercings---: no
Tattoos---: ill be gettin a few
Something you hate---: guys that r gay and take advantage of girls when they're drunk.... if they dont want u when they r sober then they dont want u when they r drunk.... get over it
I miss---: the days when the only thing we had to worry about was no missing saturday morning cartoons.... when they were acualy worth getting up for
I want---: more things than i can rightfully ask for
Because---: with those thing i could be truly happy.... im good with what i got now its just with those things life could be alot easier than it is now
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE the lady on this dirt bike shat out the gayest weakest lil assmaster on the planet..... u know who that is??? TODD FAULKNER
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My Interests

football, messin round on my grandpas 6wheeler cow tipping and drinking ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: hey mister
Waking up: preasure point- the zuttons
Average day: B.Y.O.B.- system of a down
First date: any jack johnson
Falling in love: hold my hand-beatles
Love scene: steal my kisses from u-jack johnson
Fight scene: fuel-matalica
Breaking up: lonley day-S.Y.O.A.D.
Getting back together: satalite-dave mathews
Secret love: superman- eminem
Life's okay: thug mansion-tupac
Mental breakdown: soldiers side-system of a down
Driving: move bitch-ludacriss
Learning a lesson: role modle eminem
Deep thought: stairway to hevan-led zeplin
Flashback: highway man-johny cash
Partying: drug ballad-eminem
Happy dance: wat woudl u say-davemathewsband
Regreting: im sorry moma-tupac
Long night alone: stairway to hevan-ledzeplin
Death scene: highway man-johny cash
Closing credits: boy named sue-johny cash
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What kind of muscle car are you?

1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
You are a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. You love your car....your friends love your car and thats whats most important to you! Your car really hauls ass! You feel bad that they aren't making Camaros anymore....but don't worry...cuz you know they'll be back!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz:
What football postion fits you best?

Your an aggresive person. You tend to want the small yards but the feeling of knowing you punished a player trying to stop you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh dane cook
You Are Rum

You're the life of the party, and a total flirt You are also pretty picky about what you drink Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bicardi all the way What alcoholic drink are you? OK Go - "Here It Goes Again" Buy OK Go - Oh No at iTunes.

Take the quiz:
what type of dog are you (with pics)

germen shepherd
Congrats your the german shepherd a loyal friendly fun and active dog but laid back all at the some time

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


wat ever sounds good to me such as this one
You scored as Football. You should play football- its the most popular high school and college sport, and creates a ton of school spirit.









Ice Hockey














Field hockey



What sport are you meant for??
created with


funny horror no chick flix ahaha

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simpsons and family guy r the funniest shows ive ever seen this car does like 4 barle rolls

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Crazy Crashes


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Competitive Bowling

What Stroke are You?

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uuuhhhh im think clark kent cuz some ppl told me i look like him .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which American Pie Character Are You?
Well you're Oz. You’re the sports playing, party crazy, could get any girl you want if you weren’t so cheesy kind of guy. But, once someone sees behind your exterior of a party crazy jock, they see you as a genuine person who really just wants to find that special someone.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Your Penis Name Is...
Shag Stick Penis Name Generator
You Are Barney
You could have been an intellectual leader...
Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer
You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps
Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem." The Simpsons Personality Test
Name luke "action" jackson
Sex yes please (male)
Age its going to change soon so ill just leave u hangin on this one
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Height 5'9" or 5'10" dependin if i have shoes on or not
Your Heritage lots of things welch english maybe some native american
Siblings 2 old brothers a criple and my suplier
Your Best Friend i have a few
Single Or Taken single, wanna change that for me?
Do You Do Drugs no
Do You Drink on ocasion
Color blue
Food not sure there so much goodness everywhere
Boy Name luke
Girl Name uuuhhhhhh not sure
Animal dog
Sport football
Have You Ever...
Smoked yes
Skinny Dipped very invigurating
Seen Your Crush Naked close
Lied yes
Fallen For Your Best Friend ive fallen for sum1 then they became my best friend
Been Rejected if u say no to this then uve never tried hard enough so i say yes
Rejected Someone yes
Done Something You Regret yes
Clothes a be a senator shirt and some uber tight shorts that im wearin to work
Music nething that sounds good
Smell axe
Fav. Band not sure
Desktop Picture the notebook
Annoyance work
Are You..
Understanding depends
Open-Minded yes
Interesting id like to think so
Moody eh
&..39;Organized' not really
Shy not at all
Difficult sometimes
Attractive id like to think so
Obsessed no
Opposite Sex..
What Do You Notice First height
Best Eye Color blue or brown
Best Hair Color brunet
Short Or Long Hair long
Best Height shorter than me
Best Weight under 130
Best Clothing Style doesnt matter
Just Some Last Questions..
Last Movie You Have Seen At The Theatre nacho libre GET THAT CORN OUT MY FACE
Fav. Cartoon family guy and the simpsons
What Did You Have For Breakfast i didnt eat breakfast
Could You Live Without Your Computer yea
Do You Dye Your Hair no
Who Makes You Laugh The Most either matt or daine.... anna made me laugh preety hard tonight tho "luke if i had balls i would t-bad u" ahahaha
Do You Wish You Were Younger no i wish i were older
Do You Have Any Crushes i do
Do You Like Highschool its fun
Do You Want To Get Married some day
What Are Your Thoughts On Love that u cant fall in love at our age unless uve been with sum1 for over 7 months
Number Of Times Your Heart Has Been Broken that would be a big 0
Do You Get Along With Your Parents sometimes
Do You Cuss not infront of my parents
Do You Ever Wish You Had Another Name not really
Number Of Close Friends to many to count
Have You Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher well there was that one time....... NOT
Have Any Tatoos not YET
Do You Have A Secret People Would Be Surprised By yes
Are You A Virgin u tell me
What Theme Does Your Room Have sadly a dalas cowboy one but that is soon to change because they suck o and i have a broken bed (makes u think bout the last ? doesnt it?)
How Do You Feel Right Now pretty good
Whats One Of Your Bad Qualities uuuh im a hairy monster who can be perverted when drunk
Whats One Of Your Good Qualities as a friend of mine has said im am sweet and funny
Last Time You Cried In School uuhhh when i found out my brother was in a coma
For Or Against Long Distance Relationships depends if its just an aol thing no but if u acually kno the person and they moved away then yes
Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex no
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight no i believe in i wanna get in that persons pants at first sight tho
Favorite Thing In Your Room uuuhhh i would have to say the fan
Your Nickname(s) action jackson citizen snips... stone hands
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What Family Guy Character are you?
You are the man of the house.Your an alcoholic, fat and a reguler subscriber to 'Penthouse' magazine.(don't know if thats good or bad!?)

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --Im Free: Dont grieve for me for now i am free- Im fallowing the path that god layed for me- I took his hand when i heard him call- I turned my back and left it all- I could not stay another day- To laugh to love to work or play- Tasks left undone must stay that way- I found that peace at close of day- If my parting has left a void- Then fill it with remembered joy- A friendship shared a laugh a kiss- Ah yess these things i too will miss- Be not burdened with times of sarrow- I wish you the shunshine of tomarrow- My life's been full ive savored much- Good friends good times a loved one's touch- Perhaps my time seem all too brief- Do not lengthen it now with undue grief- Lift up you hearts now and share with me- God wanted me now- He set me free- R.I.P. Archie L. Jackson-the origonal "Action Jackson"