I am 28 and my name is Krysti Virginia.
I am indigenous to the swamp.
I am the same color from head to toe- no tan lines.
I derive great delight from political incorrectness.
I am a creature of habit and make an overt effort to keep an open mind.
I could totally be a vegetarian and never look back; being a vegan isn’t even on the table.
I fully embrace my inner sixty-two year old and more then secure with my losserness.
I am truly only religious over two thing: sunscreen & condoms.
Condoms should be given away at all gov't building's- from the post office && libary to the prision.
I am a closest fatty and always will be irregardlessly(wink T.R.L.) of the number displayed on the scale.
I disagree with the rumor that southerners are stupid.
I’m generally not offended easily and try to have a good attitude.
I am very liberal socially and quite conservative financially.
I'm a biter.
I am like 97% against capital punishment; even for Saddam Hussein (he could've always gone hunting with Cheney, no questions asked).
I am a proud tree hugger.
I don’t put my faith or engery in absurdities or destructive things.
I’m a smidge more compassionate; than, I am disappointed.
I think evolution is fact and all religion is stupid.
I believe victimless crimes - shouldn't be crimes.
I love sporks && wish I had more of them!
I emphatically prefer potheads to alcoholics.
I am frightened of receiving my own way.
I wear a size 7.5 shoe and 5.5 ring.
I try to always be kind and give the benefit of the doubt.
I believe the saying: "if you can't beat them, join them" is for lazy cowards.
I think abortion should be an option as well as state funded with half price Sunday's; so bring a friend.
I'm not sure, if I take myself too seriously or not seriously enough.
I think girls are way far && above superior to boys.
I believe whole heartily their is beauty in simplicity.
I wish everyone was more honest with themselves and with others.
I believe when you die, that is that (unless you have children).
I love life at twenty-eight, a hundred times more then life at eightteen; so, if life at thirty-eight is half as good as now, I’m set.
I am a simple girl.
I truly wish you- peace, love, and kisses!
<3 u, <3 me~ kb 0=)..