Cars, the beach, hiking, music...both participating in and listening to, kids, computers, cooking
I'd like to get in touch with old friends and classmates and meet some cool people.
I'm pretty much a rocker...of just about any variety. Currently Nickelback is one of my favs. I'm also a chick rocker and at times a closet country fan. I enjoy Jazz and Classical. If you don' don't know what you're missing. I will admit however, that it is not the easiest stuff in the world to listen to and if I just want to relax and kick back...I'd rather be rockin out.
There are so many to choose from...I guess I like most of the movies I see. I'm not much for chick flicks...although like I said before, I do occasionally have a girly moment. For the most part, Car flicks, Zombies, Vampires, Suspense, Comedy...they're all good. Batman, Fast and the Furious, and just about anything with Samuel L Jackson or Angelina Jollie top my list.
Smallville is my kryptonite. M*A*S*H is among my favs. I also enjoy Bones, Simpsons and Futurama.
Anything by John Grisham sucks me in.
To be perfectly honest, I've never really thought much about who my heros are. I suppose when I think about it, that my hero is not so much one person, but collectively, are people who have gone from growing up in the projects in a place so big that no one person matters or from on the streets or wherever and have overcome that. Who have made the decision that just because that is the way their parents raised them...doesn't mean they have to be there their entire lives. Those people who have gone from nothing and made something for themselves. They might be the person at the grocery store or the person at the other end of that seemingly endless string of an automated phone system, but they are off of the streets and out of the gangs. Maybe they have an apartment or maybe they have a house...and maybe they do for a living what you did to get yourself through college, but look where they came from before you pass judgement. I have overcome a lot in my life, but it is nothing compared to what some have done.~~