Jesus, children's ministry, missions, ministry involvement, bowling, camping, fishing, carmel frapp's, kids, reading, shoes, running around in the woods at night, baking,learning about other cultures and why they do what they do (I admit to loving anthropology and archeology though it makes me a dork)and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't even matter. I also really enjoy hanging out with friend and talking about God - simple, but so awesome!
A little boy living in a remote jungle in South America, a little girl that belongs to an Arfrican tribe...and everyone else in between. Oh, and Sponge Bob and any local Ice Cream Man.
As long as it's not dirty, I'll listen to it. I must admit though, country music tends to envoke the wrath of my gag reflex. I really do love all, really. ~Relient K, Passion Worship, Hillsong Next generation worship, Shane and Shane, Chris Tomlin, DC Talk, The Rocket Summer, Leeland,Family Force 5, No Doubt(the older stuff).
Movies?! What are movies?? Movies are ok - I just can't sit still that long - it just makes me feel so unproductive.
I don't really watch TV much, but when I do...LAW & ORDER:SVU!!! Ok, yeah, that's about all.
BOOKS ARE FOR BURNING! Just kidding. I love books...I would much rather read a book than watch TV. The Bible, J. Austen, Velvet Elvis, God's Blogs, and Passion and Purity are some of my favorites. I even enjoy some of my text book from school. :-) I love reading and learning about other people and their cultures.
Jesus, Esther, Yo Mama, P. Rod, P. Randy, Bill McDonald, anyone who has ever left behind the comforts of home risked their lives to spread the Gospel of Christ. (Also, anyone who has invested their lives in children)