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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am in school full time and work at my church(which is THE best church around!). I am involved in children's ministry and adore the kids at my church. I feel God pulling at me to invest the rest of my life in children. I can't imagine a better way to spend my life than pouring my love and efforts into children. It's amazing to see the difference that can be made in the life of a child when they are loved and shown the goodness of Christ.
Some random and totally useless things: When I was between the ages of 2 and 4, I was kicked out of and banned from the nursery at church because I had a problem with pinching the other kids until they screamed and cried (yes, I left bruises); I compulsively worry that I have something in my teeth or that I smell like a boy; I still like to play in the rain; every now and then I secretly watch a cartoon about a yellow sponge (not much of a secret now); I often eat bowls of salsa (no chips, no nothing...just me and the salsa); I go all stupid when a guy smells really good; ever since I was little I have laughed in my sleep, sometimes to the point of waking others up; I want to parasail really bad; I love flowers more than chocolate; I once accidentally squeezed a pet bird to death; I beat the same boy up twice for trying to kiss me when I was 9; I had a hamster named Party Animal that I dressed in Barbie clothes and drove around in a Barbie car. FIN.
Myspace Layouts For Girls Only -
Girly Myspace Comments

My Interests

Jesus, children's ministry, missions, ministry involvement, bowling, camping, fishing, carmel frapp's, kids, reading, shoes, running around in the woods at night, baking,learning about other cultures and why they do what they do (I admit to loving anthropology and archeology though it makes me a dork)and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't even matter. I also really enjoy hanging out with friend and talking about God - simple, but so awesome!

I'd like to meet:

A little boy living in a remote jungle in South America, a little girl that belongs to an Arfrican tribe...and everyone else in between. Oh, and Sponge Bob and any local Ice Cream Man.


As long as it's not dirty, I'll listen to it. I must admit though, country music tends to envoke the wrath of my gag reflex. I really do love all, really. ~Relient K, Passion Worship, Hillsong Next generation worship, Shane and Shane, Chris Tomlin, DC Talk, The Rocket Summer, Leeland,Family Force 5, No Doubt(the older stuff).


Movies?! What are movies?? Movies are ok - I just can't sit still that long - it just makes me feel so unproductive.


I don't really watch TV much, but when I do...LAW & ORDER:SVU!!! Ok, yeah, that's about all.


BOOKS ARE FOR BURNING! Just kidding. I love books...I would much rather read a book than watch TV. The Bible, J. Austen, Velvet Elvis, God's Blogs, and Passion and Purity are some of my favorites. I even enjoy some of my text book from school. :-) I love reading and learning about other people and their cultures.


Jesus, Esther, Yo Mama, P. Rod, P. Randy, Bill McDonald, anyone who has ever left behind the comforts of home risked their lives to spread the Gospel of Christ. (Also, anyone who has invested their lives in children)

My Blog


  I've been thinking about prodigals a lot lately - but then who at 1st hasn't? The daily emails from P. Rod have been a big help in keeping prodigals fresh on my mind and heart. I've realized t...
Posted by Nat on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:38:00 PST


  I met Alvin a week or two ago downtown. He seemed to be homeless. All he had with him was a sketch pad and pencils... During an hour visit there was much talk of drawing/dating/boys/church/Go...
Posted by Nat on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:48:00 PST

I DID IT!!!!!!

After 23 years of trying and failing - I FINALLY did it!!! I hula hooped. It must have been a good 15-20 seconds I did it. No, it doesn't take much to thrill me. Props to Brian H. - he can hula like ...
Posted by Nat on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:48:00 PST

John Deere, will you marry me?

Yeah, so I'm going to be out of town this weekend and my phone doesn't get reception past the corner light post on my street - so don't even bother to get me after tomorrow morning. (When I get back I...
Posted by Nat on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:10:00 PST

1, 2, 3, ...No wait, am I on 3 or 4?

Hmmm. Things have been going really good this week. You know, the kind of 'good' that makes you wonder what great things will happen next week.   Things have been changing like crazy in the past ...
Posted by Nat on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST

Stupid Boys and Silly Girls

Ok, so I REALLY don't "get" why guys and girls act so very different and so very stupid when they like each other. It drives me nuts. I don't understand all the games...they are insane... So, there is...
Posted by Nat on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:54:00 PST


I know you're dying to know the answer...">> You scored as Sniper Rifle. You like sharpshooting. Stealth, accuracy and range are you...
Posted by Nat on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:02:00 PST


One should always own at least one pair of gloves/mittens. Although, I'm not sure how I feel about men wearing mittens. Always try to make sure your in the right class at school. It really helps a lot...
Posted by Nat on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:07:00 PST


There are so many things in life that I enjoy that other people might not give a second thought to. Sometimes I like to do things that I loved doing when I was small. Seriously, you should try it...
Posted by Nat on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:11:00 PST


Ok, so this has nothing to do with Pets and Animals at all. So, it's 1 am and I am eating corn on the cob and playing on Myspace. I don't really even care that I have to be up in a few short hours. E...
Posted by Nat on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:14:00 PST