Leif Estes profile picture

Leif Estes

No time to rush

About Me

I can't really describe myself, but I enjoy.......Going to the ocean, Going to the mountains, going to the lake, going to Vegas, Going to the bars in north beach, Talking about politics, the stock market,rock climbing, snowboarding, kite boarding (want to learn), mountain biking,Golf, Driving too fast with the top down, winning at poker,winning at pool, b&w photography,digital art,chill time with the Bro's,kung-fu movies,Cooking some awesome eats, Red wine, bar-b-q and beer, Exploring the city, philosophy, spirituality,and learning to be green!!!Msg me.... if you're down for Drama free good times.

My Interests

I'm interested in living everday to the fullest, some days that means getting shit done.......some days it means doing nothing but drinking a Carona and sitting in the sun.

I'd like to meet:

John Mccain,Jim Cramer,Jessica Alba(beautiful),Leonardo DiVinci,Thomas Jefersson,Sun Tzu,Lao Tzu,Dick Cheney,Noam Chomsky,Socrates....and whoever created Jagermeister (true Genius)


REAL MUSIC......does not have the word "HO" or plural "HO'S in the lyrics.


Family Guy, Lost, Curb your enthusiasm, real world,24,American Chopper,Mad money


I read Some Fiction, Da vinci code, Timeline, Angels and Deomons.I also read alot of books that focus on philosophy and Personal development.Too many Non-Fiction books to count..... real dry stuff. Buisness,History,ecconomics.


John Mccain,Arnold,Josh Hippauf,John Glenn, My mother and Father

My Blog

New Gig

got myself a new gig here in the bay.... it's a tough life, but someone has to make video games for all those kids (and not so kids) out there. I'm going to be making the next "Tomb Raider" game for t...
Posted by Leif Estes on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:34:00 PST

Serendipity strikes again !!!!

Why do I always find exactly what I want at the exact time I stop looking for it?...hahaha!!!
Posted by Leif Estes on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 07:36:00 PST

food for thought.....

"A reasonable man expexts himself to adapt to his enviroment....an un-reasonable man expects his enviroment to adapt to his view, Therefore all progress is made by un-reasonable men"I've never played ...
Posted by Leif Estes on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:33:00 PST

Time Again

Well, I feel it's time to get things rolling again.... I've had a great vacation. Here is a quick to do list for the next three years.- SF Condo- Mom in cottage- School debt at zero- 06' Carrera S- he...
Posted by Leif Estes on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 03:26:00 PST


What am I doing in Ridgeway,CO ?????? I don't even think I know...ha! for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to accept some work doing construction for a change. Maybe I thought it would b...
Posted by Leif Estes on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:57:00 PST

225 bench press!!!!

I hit 225 on the bench press today...thats 155% of my body weight! getting back in shape and cutting back on Drinking has been the best choice I ever made! I'd would advise anyone out there ...
Posted by Leif Estes on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 07:58:00 PST

Time to get serious

Time to make some things happen, I'll be 25 in october and need to focus on a few goals. Keep your eye on the ball.....
Posted by Leif Estes on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

path of least resistance

What really matters, I spend alot of time thinking about that. Lately I've began to think that means not passing up opportunities. It's far better to regret something that you did, than somthing you d...
Posted by Leif Estes on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New years resolutions

Be a true friend live life one day at a time give without expectation buy that Boxter Keep your eye on the ball
Posted by Leif Estes on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Stock market blues

I love the stock market, but I don't think it loves me today. Fucking Citibank should have taken a dive after reaching resistance levels at 47.5 instead the bastard caught a Bid for 47.54 from sombody...
Posted by Leif Estes on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST