I have decided to unleash my inner child to the world so get ready. I love to play hide and go seek. Sometime I have to reign in the inner child and act adult, I don't like that but I can handle it if I have to.
The main person that i would like to meet is... i've never really thought about it to tell you the truth. Oh, i Know, my extreemly wealthy husband. just kidding i am not that shallow. I would like to meet him though. Other than that, anyone I come into contact with. I am not gonna lie some of them I will try and never meet again but everyone I meet will shape my life in some way and I think thats pretty cool.
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all kinds but mostly something that I can sing to really really loud. I like System of a Down, Jack Johnson, Mark Barsard, Country, Rap, and Rock and Roll. I honestly listen to anything. I am not just sayin' that.
Anchornam, Zoolander, Bravehart, Aladdin, all four Harry Potter movies, Bauty and the Bast, Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Machstick Men, Pirates ot the Carribean, George of the Jungle, Mulin Rouge
Saved by the Bell...I just wish that I didn't have to wake up so early to watch on TBS
The Bible, Harry Potter, The Notebook, the Hiding Place. I don't have time to read anymore because i work so much and when I do, I fall asleep.
My Sister and Brother-In-law