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EhlersDanlos Syndrome

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Huh? What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of rare genetic disorders that diminish the body's ability to make connective tissues. It is caused by the inability of the body to synthesize different collagen types of a defect in synthesis.
EDS affects the connective tissues -- the tissues that support various parts of the body such as skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. In EDS, the fibrous protein collagen is faulty, causing the connective tissue to not be elastic or strong.
Depending on the individual mutation, the severity of the disease can vary from extremely mild to life-threatening.
There is no known cure, other than symptomatic treatments.
(The above information was taken from
Even though it may seem as if not too many people suffer from this illness, information as well as support can be found online. Here are some of the 'main' websites that have been created for those affected by EDS.
Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation
6399 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 510
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Ehlers-Danlos Support Group
EDS Today
PO Box 88814
Seattle, WA 98138-2814
You may have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, just like him or her, or even I... but there are many different types within the name itself.
In the past, there were more then 10 recognized types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. In 1997, researchers proposed a simpler classification that reduced the number of major types to six and gave them descriptive names.
These six major types are listed below. Other types of the condition may exist, but they have been reported only in single families or are not well characterized.
Except for hypermobility, the specific mutations involved have been identified and they can be precisely identified by genetic testing; this is valuable due to a great deal of variation in individual presentation of symptoms which may confuse classification of individuals on purely symptomatic basis.
In order of prevalence in the population, they are:
* Hypermobility, formerly known as EDS type 3, is caused by an autosomal dominant mechanism. Mutations in either of two separate genes (which are also involved in Vascular EDS and Tenascin-X deficiency EDS, respectively) may lead to this variant, and it can only be identified by examination of a sample of skin collagen. Frequent symptoms include loose and unstable joints; chronic musculoskeletal pain and reduced proprioception may also be present. Major skeletal deformities are not seen. Often these symptoms result in slow or reduced development of motor skills, and a general "clumsiness". Skin abnormalities are mild, so that there is not a clear diagnostic boundary with the non-Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility syndromes mentioned above. Clinically serious effects may include mitral valve prolapse which creates an increased risk for infective endocarditis during surgery, particularly dental surgery, as well as possibly progressing to a life-threatening degree of severity. (OMIM 130020)
* Classical EDS, formerly known as types 1 and 2, affects approximately 2 to 5 in 100,000 people. In addition to the joint and cardiac effects noted above for hypermobility, this variant is characterized by soft, highly elastic, velvety skin which may tear, bruise, or scar easily and/or be slow to heal, and which has a tendency to develop benign fatty growths as well as benign fibrous growths on pressure areas. Pregnancy can be life-threatening in this variant. (OMIM 130000 and OMIM 130010)
* Vascular EDS, formerly known as type 4, is an autosomal dominant defect in the type 3 collagen synthesis; affecting approximately 1 in 100,000 people, it is clinically serious, reducing life expectancy to around 40 years. Joint symptoms are usually limited to the fingers or toes, but the delicate skin noted above is joined by fragile blood vessel walls and organ membranes, with a tendency to rupture or develop aneurysms. Distinctive facial features are associated with this variant; protruding eyes, small chin, thin nose and lips, and sunken cheeks. Pregnancy can be life-threatening in this variant as well. (OMIM 130050)
* Kyphoscoliosis, formerly known as EDS type 6, is an autosomal recessive defect due to deficiency of an enzyme called lysyl hydroxylase; it is very rare, with fewer than 60 cases reported. Symptoms include progressive scoliosis, progressive severe weakness of muscles, and fragile sclera. (OMIM 225400 and OMIM 229200)
* Arthrochalasis, formerly known as EDS types 7A and 7B, is also very rare, with about 30 cases reported. This variant may result in very loose and unstable joints, including the hips, which may lead to early and/or severe osteoarthritis and fractures, and stretchy, fragile skin. (OMIM 130060)
* Dermatosparaxis, formerly known as EDS type 7C, is also very rare, with about 10 cases reported. This variant combines the loose and unstable joints with extremely fragile skin which loses elasticity. (OMIM 225410)
To find info for a 'local chapter' near you... I can suggest this site that is currently being used for arthritis...
This myspace page grew from finding eachother in the Ehlers Danlos group. There were only a few of us in the beginning and we watched it grow to atleast where it is now. The support that everyone gives is something i would have never imagined. Since Ehlers Danlos Syndrome can be a lot worse than pain 24/7.... we unfortunately lost one of our dearest friends. Barry will always be remembered in our hearts. He was one of the few males to first join the group, which gave the other men some hope. He always had a positive point of view even though he had been to the hospital countless times. Without a cure for such hell, he fought for what gave him some relief.
You will be missed Barry, but never forgotten. You gave me a reality check and a kick in the ass to find our cure.-R.I.P. Barry-

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HELLOOO!!!! If the internet didn't exist... and maybe you can agree with me on this one... I think I would be lost within this disease. Every second of every day for the rest of my life, I know I will be in pain. I know this, because I do not remember even one day without being in pain, and it has grown worse over time.
The internet has allowed me to actually find other people 'out there' who suffer from a lot of the same things I have to deal with everyday. The group EhlersDanlosSyndrome has allowed a good handful of us to ask questions and finally figure out things that would have otherwise been impossible.
Yes, I know. The 'myspace group' isn't the first Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome suffers' place for conversing... but... I strongly believe myspace is part of "OUR" generation.
For some reason, myspace makes me feel more comfortable to talk about things and actually speak up. We are all around the same age and have gone through practically the same things. Also, it doesn't cost anything! And the greater part of you are from America (no offense to the U.K. haha I am a relative of Diana).... but before I would read about this doctor and that doctor.. but they were all in England!
I have been to a number of doctors for this in the past 10 years, and EVERY visit ended up being a let down. You don't want that, trust me. With this group... which means, with all of you, I realized that most of the power to fight this disease is within us, not the doctors. Which is actually a huge realization.
So maybe you may have stumbled upon this page, or you might possibly know one of us, or you suffer from EDS.... but we are practically helpless. Most of the money going into EDS is for prevention.. which is fine!!! I don't want my kids to have this.... but... having this..... .... sucks.
I'm Dizzy... and I got the idea to start this page while talking with Isaac. (he's next to me on the top 8) The two of us have started this page, he owns it, too.... because we along with a couple of you, realized that maybe if we speak up, somebody will hear us.... and hopefully help us in some sort of way.
Everyday I hear about someone who has some sort of disease... that was caused by actions that they did!!!!!! ... This is not an easy thing to live with at all. Everyday is at question... and we've lost all hope with doctors.
Instead of rich people giving money to the fat, or the ones with cancer in cases where the person with it definately caused it.. it would be refreshing to have someone help out an 11 year old boy or girl, that is made fun of in school, cannot participate in anything active (most of the time, it's when they were active their whole life... so they are ripped out of their lifestyle)... and noone believes that they are in pain, and they cry themselves to sleep everynight just wishing for the pain to STOP. Wanting something to stop hurting.. for just one second... is a really sad thing to ask for. People may know you have some sort of 'disease'... but even loved ones will forget that you suffer every second, and a best friend or boy friend will get 'mad' at you if you cannot 'live up to par'!!! For something that you, yourself hate more than anything.
I have been told by doctors... that.. "you are special". Who the hell, has multiple doctors tell you that? This isn't a made up disease. It is on my mind probably 98% of the day, no lie. It's suffering. It's being misunderstood. It's being looked at as "you are just asking for attention". oh.. and "You don't look sick".
Who I'd like to meet? Anyone. And anyone that can agree to anything I just said... or anyone that can stop for a second, and realize that some people... have to live their ONE LIFE with such alienation.
There are a lot of 'sad parts' about all of this... but for some reason, my heart goes out to the young person, that doesn't know what is wrong with them... they feel lost.... alone... no one believes them... doctors are misdiagnosing them... giving them freakin meds.... all either before being diagnosed or shortly after... where they have to live a completely different life than their classmates.
We all look completely normal... so you would not know I had this unless I brought it up (which I hate having to do, cuz then people pity you for that minute... ) but.. we look normal... when really, I feel everything but that.

We plan to have a lot come out of this. Maybe myspace is just the first step, but damn... I don't feel as alone anymore. Soon, we plan on having anybody who wants to.. tell their story. I say mo about that later. :)

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